European J Pain 2018 (Jan); 22 (1): 103–113 ~ FULL TEXT
L. Ailliet • S.M. Rubinstein • T. Hoekstra •
M.W. van Tulder • H.C.W. de Vet
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and the
EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research,
VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Background: Information on the course of neck pain (NP) and low back pain (LBP) typically relies on data collected at few time intervals during a period of up to 1 year.
Methods: In this prospective, multicentre practice-based cohort study, patients consulting a chiropractor responded weekly for 52 weeks to text messages on their cell phones. Data from 448 patients (153 NP, 295 LBP) who had returned at least one set of answers in the first 26 weeks were used. Outcome measures were pain intensity (VAS) and functional outcome, assessed using four different questions: pain intensity, limitation in activities of daily living (ADL), number of days with pain in the previous week and number of days limited in ADL. Distinct patterns of pain were analysed with quadratic latent class growth analysis.
Results: The final model was a 4-class model for NP and LBP. The 'recovering from mild baseline pain' is most common (76.3% of NP patients/58.3% of LBP patients) followed by the 'recovering from severe baseline pain' class (16.3% NP/29.8% LBP). They follow similar trajectories when considered over a period of 6 months. Pain at baseline, duration of complaints, functional status, limitations in ADL and the score on psychosocial scales were the variables that most contributed to distinguish between groups.
Conclusions: Most patients with NP or LBP presenting in chiropractic care show a trajectory of symptoms characterized by persistent or fluctuating pain of low or medium intensity. Only a minority either experience a rapid complete recovery or develop chronic severe pain.
Significance: Ninety percentage of patients with neck pain or low back pain presenting to chiropractors have a 30% improvement within 6 weeks and then show a trajectory of symptoms characterized by persistent or fluctuating pain of low or medium intensity. Only a minority either experience a rapid complete recovery or develop chronic severe pain.
From the FULL TEXT Article:
Spine problems receive much attention from
researchers, clinicians, patients and other stakeholders. In order to establish optimal treatment strategies
and to control expenses, it is important to
understand the course of spinal pain. Evidence is
mounting that back pain episodes can no longer be
seen as unrelated events but that they should be
viewed in the context of a lifelong pain experience
(Dunn et al., 2013b).
Studies in the past on the course of spinal pain
have almost exclusively focused on the course of
low back pain (LBP). Only one small study in a
physical therapy setting reported on the course of
neck pain (NP); a total of 50 consecutive patients
provided data on five repeated measures over
4 weeks (Walton et al., 2014).
In the past, to chart the course of spinal pain,
researchers relied primarily on data collected on a
small number of time points during the follow-up
period of 3 months to 1 year. Only two studies
relied on more frequent data collection to chart the
course of LBP: Dunn and colleagues’ study in 2006
used monthly questionnaires by mail over a period
of 6 months (Dunn et al., 2006), and Tamcan and
colleagues in 2010 used frequent data collection
(weekly, during 1 year) by means of a one-page
diary via email or postal service (Tamcan et al., 2010). Both studies – one in primary care (Dunn et al., 2006) and one in a general population with
people who had reported LBP in two previous surveys (2 years apart; Tamcan et al., 2010) – yielded
four clusters representing different pathways of back
pain. Dunn and colleagues repeated their study
7 years later with patients from the original cohort:
With these additional data collected over a 6-month
follow-up period, they demonstrated that most people with back pain (89%) appeared to follow a particular pain trajectory over long time periods (Dunn et al., 2013a), and did not have frequently recurring
or widely fluctuating patterns (Leboeuf-Yde et al., 2012).
In the last couple of years, the availability of novel
techniques such as data collection through frequent
text messaging (SMS) has profoundly changed the
methods of data collection in spine research and
allows for better charting of the course of spinal pain
(Kongsted and Leboeuf-Yde, 2009; Axen et al., 2011, 2012; Kent and Kongsted, 2012; Macedo et al.,
2012; Leboeuf-Yde et al., 2013; Eklund et al., 2016).
We have used this method in our study.
We studied the course of both NP and LBP in
patients presenting to chiropractors in Belgium and
the Netherlands. There were three main objectives:
(1) to establish, using latent class growth analysis
(LCGA), whether there were distinct groups of patients with different pathways of NP or LBP in the 6 months following the first consultation with the chiropractor for their problem;
(2) to determine whether membership in the groups was associated with distinct characteristics at baseline and at followup; and
(3) to determine whether NP and LBP had the same trajectories.
Study design and population
A prospective, multicentre practice-based cohort
study was conducted for patients with NP and/or LBP.
Participants were recruited by 97 chiropractors in
their clinics in Belgium and the Netherlands (Ailliet et al., 2016). All patients received standard chiropractic care, and treatment was left to the discretion of the
chiropractor. The study was approved by the medical
ethics committees of the University Ghent, Belgium,
under registration number B67020095664 and VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with reference number 08/232.
Recruitment of patients
Recruitment took place between August 26th and
December 30th 2010. Patients were recruited from a
pool of patients participating in a large cohort study in
a chiropractic setting. Interested patients were contacted by one and the same research assistant who
explained the study protocol. They were asked
whether they wanted to participate in a separate
study, examining the course of NP or LBP over the
period of 1 year by means of text messages sent to
their mobile phones on a weekly basis over a period of
1 year. After consenting over the telephone, patients
were included for this part of the study as well.
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Patients between 18 and 65 years old, who had not
visited a chiropractor in the past 6 months, with neck
and/or LBP with or without radiation to an extremity
as their chief complaint were eligible. Patients had to
have a basic understanding of the Dutch language, in
both reading and writing. Subjects were excluded if
they had a ‘red flag’ (such as a suspected tumour, fracture or infection) or any condition considered to be a
contraindication for spinal manipulative therapy such
as severe osteoporosis, acute rheumatic episode or
extremely high blood pressure values.
Patients presenting with both NP and LBP were
asked to decide whether they wanted to report on
their NP or LBP at the start of the study. During the
entire study, patients were sent questions pertaining
to that specific body region.
Data collection
Participating patients completed a web-based or a
paper version of the baseline questionnaire prior to
the first consultation with the chiropractor. This
questionnaire collected information on sociodemographic, biomedical and psychological items:
sex, age, BMI, level of education, work status,
duration of complaints, previous treatment and/or
imaging, present level of pain and limitation,
patient expectations and fear for the treatment.
The levels of distress, depression, fear and somatization were measured via the four scales of the
Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (Terluin, 1996; Terluin and Duijsens, 2002), the
patient’s beliefs with regard to the effect of physical activity and work on their spinal complaint via
the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ; Vendrig et al., 1998), social support using the Feij Social Support scale (Feij et al., 1992) and functional status measured by the Neck Disability
Index (NDI) for those with NP and the Oswestry
Disability Index (ODI) for those presenting
with LBP.
Over a period of 1 year, four consecutive text messages (SMS) were sent on a weekly basis to participating patients’ mobile phones, starting on the first
Friday after inclusion and thereafter repeated every
Friday at 2.00 p.m. for 52 weeks.
One SMS was sent for each of the four questions,
and replies were given by answering each SMS.
Patients could answer at their discretion, but the
following question was not sent out before the
answer to the preceding question was received. The
text message information sent back by the study
participants was automatically incorporated into a
data file hosted on a server at the provider of the
SMS-track system’s office in Denmark (http://www.
SMS questions
Every week, the following questions were asked:
(1) On a scale from 0 to 10 (with 0 = no pain and
10 = worst pain imaginable), how would you
rate your NP/LBP today?
(2) On a scale from 0 to 10 (with 0 = not limited
in activities of daily living (ADL) at all and
10 = extremely limited in ADL), how much are
you limited in your ADL today?
(3) On a scale from 0 to 7, how many days did you
experience NP/LBP in the past week?
(4) On a scale from 0 to 7, how many days were
you limited in your ADL in the past week?
Outcome measure
The outcome measure for this study was ‘pain intensity’ and was measured by the question ‘On a scale
from 0 to 10 (with 0 = no pain and 10 = worst pain
imaginable), how much NP/LBP do you experience
In order to describe and interpret the course of the
different trajectories, Ostelo and colleagues’ definition of minimal important change was used. A 30%
change from baseline was proposed as a clinically
meaningful improvement when comparing before
and after measures for individual patients (Ostelo et al., 2008). We used the cut-off points for musculoskeletal pain proposed by Boonstra et al. (2014),
resulting in the classes 0.1–3.8, 3.9–5.7 and 5.8–
10 cm on the VAS. Since in our study whole numbers were used on the numeric rating scale, we used
the correction to the whole number below 5.8. As
Von Korff suggested patients reporting a score of >5
on a scale from 0 to 10 as having severe pain, we
combined Boonstra’s scores with the cut-off score for
severe pain proposed by Von Korff et al. (1992) to
make a distinction between mild, moderate and severe levels of pain, and how the different patterns
related to that. As a result, patients with mild levels
of pain scored 1, 2 or 3, patients with moderate
levels of pain scored 4 or 5, and patients with severe
levels of pain scored 5 or more on the Numeric Rating Scale.
Functional status was measured at baseline and
after 6 and 12 months and scored as continuous variables by the NDI and ODI to allow for a
more comprehensive description of the different
Statistical analysis
Data were transmitted from a spread sheet to SPSS
20.0 (SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0.
Armonk, NY, USA: IBM Corp.). When answers other
than a number were given, data were manually
given a number when possible (e.g. ‘I have no pain’
was recorded as 0). Answers that could not be
recoded were coded as missing values.
The objective was to present the results of the
study over a period of 1 year, but our data did not
allow for this. Due to technical problems with the
SMS tracking system, we encountered a large number of missing values. Over a period of 6–9 weeks,
no text messages were sent. As a result, all patients
had some missing data during the 12-month data
collection period. Since patients entered the study at
different times over a 4-month period (1 September
1 through 30 December 2011), the missing data
were considered to be ‘missing completely at random’ (Little and Rubin, 2002). As a result of the
large number of missing data in the last months of
the data collection, we were only able to use the
data set of the first 6 months of data collection.
Distinct patterns of pain were analysed with quadratic LCGA in Mplus. LCGA models are contemporary regression-based models used to unravel
heterogeneity in pain development. This is done by
identifying k number of distinct populations or
classes on the basis of developmental pain patterns.
We did investigate the need for freeing up withinclass variance parameters. Using a commonly applied
approach, we first modelled several latent class
growth models (i.e. analogous to group-based models) to obtain the optimal number of classes. After
the optimal number of classes was chosen, we
assessed the need to free up within-class variance
parameters. The final model actually included estimated within-class variance for the intercept, but
slope variances were fixed within classes.
We aimed to establish whether there were distinct
subgroups of patients with different trajectories of
pain during 6 months of follow-up. Analyses were
conducted separately for NP and back pain patients,
and we followed the same analysis strategy for both
patient groups.
We included patients with at least one pain measurement during follow-up. Because the analyses
assume that missing data are missing at random
(MAR), and we have no reason to assume otherwise
(this mechanism is difficult to test (Enders, 2010; Potthoff et al., 2006)) we – after careful consideration – employed this common inclusion procedure
(Muthen, 2003; Jung and Wickrama, 2008; Enders, 2010; Hoekstra et al., 2011).
The final model was chosen based on a stepwise
procedure (Jung and Wickrama, 2008). This procedure starts with a one-class solution, then adding
one class at the time. To determine the final model,
we used several statistical fit indices. First, we used
the Bayesian information criterion (BIC; Raftery, 1995; Schwarz, 1978). The BIC considers both the
likelihood of the model and the number of parameters in the model. A lower BIC indicates a better fitting model. Additionally, we took the posterior
probabilities into account (Jung and Wickrama, 2008). For each patient, these probabilities are calculated and provide information of the likelihood of
that patient to belong to each of the obtained classes.
The probability of the class to which a certain patient
is ultimately assigned to should be considerably
higher than the probability of belonging to another
group and should be at least 0.8 (Goodman, 2007).
In this way, the classes are clearly distinguishable
from each other.
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Based on previous literature, we assessed models
with linear, quadratic and cubic trajectory shapes.
After the optimal number of trajectories was chosen,
we assessed the need for freeing up within-class
variance parameters as suggested (Hox, 2010; Muthen and Muthen, 2010; Hoekstra, 2013).
Classification of patients into their best fitting class
was carried out using the SAVEDATA option in
Mplus (MPLUS (Version 6.11). [Computer Software].
Los Angeles, CA, USA: Muthen & Muthen). The
variables were subsequently imported into SPSS for
further analyses.
We aimed to determine whether membership to
each of the trajectories could be explained by characteristics measured at baseline and/or at follow-up.
Characteristics of the obtained trajectories were
described accordingly: means (SD) or median (IQR)
for continuous variables and percentages for categorical variables. Results are presented in Tables 2 and 3.
We compared the trajectories for the NP patients
(Table 4) with those of the LBP patients (Table 5).
We checked whether all identified classes were clinically relevant, even though they were mathematically appropriate. This was not done with statistical
techniques but based on our careful clinical judgement. Two of the authors, both with >20 years of
clinical experience, checked whether the identified
classes corresponded to the patterns they see in clinical practice. This method has also been reported in
earlier work (Kongsted and Leboeuf-Yde, 2009).
In total, of the 917 patients from the original cohort
study, 495 patients (169 NP, 326 LBP) agreed to participate in this aspect of the study. This data set contained only those patients who had returned at least
one set of answers between the 1st and the 26th
week (which is a common inclusion criterion within
LCGA): 153 patients (58 from Belgium and 95 from
the Netherlands) with NP (90.5%) and 295 patients
(112 from Belgium and 183 from the Netherlands)
with LBP (90.5%) fulfilled this criterion. The baseline characteristics of those patients agreeing to participate in this aspect of the study did not differ
significantly from the baseline characteristics of those
patients from the original cohort that did not agree
to participate (Supporting information, Table S1).
Regarding the number of missing data and the
number of different patterns, we found 226 missing
data patterns with very little overlap between
patients; that is, some patients miss one or more data
points of the earlier weeks, whereas some patients
miss one or more of the middle period or the last.
There is no structured pattern visible. Moreover,
missing data coverage of at least 0.10 is advised for
latent class models, and in no model, our coverage
approximated this value. For back pain patients, the
coverage ranged from 0.895 for week 1 (highest), to
0.369 for week 26 (lowest), indicating that 89.5% of
the patients have valid data for at least week 1 and
36.9% have valid data for week 26. It should be
noted that 13 patients only had one follow-up measurement and these patients were classified in all
four trajectories. Overall, the majority of the patients
had valid data at most of the weeks. The missings in
the data on patients with LBP can be found in Appendix 1.
The quadratic latent class model was used, and
chosen over the linear and cubic models since both
latter models resulted in worse fit (e.g. for the back
pain patients; 4-class linear BIC = 17,507.449, 4-class
quadratic BIC = 17,243.652 and 4-class cubic
BIC = 17,127.128, but with similar trajectory shapes,
thus leading to the choice for the more parsimonious
model (Muthen, 2003; Hoekstra, 2013; Jung and Wickrama, 2008)). Moreover, for the cubic models,
we additionally encountered some convergence
issues due to very small cubic slope values. Ultimately, the quadratic models were also chosen based
on substantive theory and model parsimony.
Table 1
Figure 1
Figure 2
We identified distinct groups of patients with different patterns of NP or LBP in the 6 months following the first consultation with the chiropractor for their problem. Based on the model indices described
previously, the final model was a 4-class model for
both the neck pain and LBP patients. Table 1 shows
the different class solutions. Although the BIC for
the 4-class solutions was lower in both the 5-class
solutions, posterior probabilities fell below the cutoff point of 0.8. Low posterior probabilities indicate
cloudy, or less distinctive classes. Thus, we decided
on the 4-class model in both groups. The pain patterns or trajectories of NP and LBP are presented in
Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The ‘recovering from mild
baseline pain’ and the ‘recovering from severe baseline pain’ classes represent the large majority of
patients with NP and LBP, and follow similar trajectories when considered over a period of 6 months.
Within the NP population, the ‘recovering from
mild baseline pain’ class was the most prevalent
(73.9%), representing those patients who start with
mild levels of pain (3.3/10), demonstrate a 30%
reduction in pain within 3 weeks and subsequently
remain at very low levels of pain throughout the follow-up period of 26 weeks. The ‘recovering from
severe baseline pain’ class was the second most
prevalent with 16.3%, representing those patients
who begin with severe pain (6.6/10), experience a
30% reduction of pain within 6 weeks and subsequently remain at very low levels of pain. The
‘severe-chronic’ class is less common with 7.2%,
representing those patients who had permanently
high levels of pain. The smallest class with 2.6% is
the ‘recovering from mild baseline pain with a flareup’ class. Their pattern more or less followed the
pattern of class 1 and showed a flare-up around
week 11 lasting for 6 weeks, before evolving to very
low levels of pain.
Within the LBP population, the ‘recovering from
mild baseline pain’ class was also the most prevalent
(58.3%), representing those patients who start with
mild levels of pain (3.1/10), demonstrate a 30%
reduction in pain within 3 weeks and subsequently
remain at very low levels of pain throughout the
follow-up period of 26 weeks. The ‘recovering from
severe baseline pain’ class was the second most
prevalent with 29.8%, representing those patients
who begin with moderate pain (5.4/10), experience
a 30% reduction of pain within 4 weeks and subsequently remain at very low levels of pain. The ‘moderate-chronic’ class is less common with 6.5%,
representing those patients with moderate to high
levels of pain. The smallest class with 5.4% is the
‘slowly recovering from high baseline pain’ class,
representing those patients who have severe levels
of pain (7.6/10) at baseline and experience a 30%
reduction of pain within 12 weeks.
Our results show that the majority of patients
treated by chiropractors for nonspecific NP or LBP do
get better, regardless of their pain at baseline.
Table 2 represents the baseline characteristics of
the patients with NP in the different classes, and
Table 3 represents the baseline characteristics of the
patients with LBP in the different classes.
For NP, the ‘recovering from mild baseline pain’
and the ‘severe-chronic’ classes were different from
each other, with different patient characteristics at
baseline. Class 4 is a very small group, but their
baseline characteristics are different from those of
the three other classes. The largest group of NP
patients (recovering from mild baseline pain class) is
characterized by the lowest pain at baseline and had
the lowest percentage of chronic NP patients, the
least previous imaging, the lowest subjective functional limitations (NDI score), the lowest score on
fear for treatment, the highest patient expectations,
the lowest score on the four categories of the FourDimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ – i.e.
distress, depression, fear/anxiety and somatization)
and the lowest score on the FABQ. The class on the
other end of the spectrum, the ‘severe-chronic’ class,
had completely opposite baseline characteristics.
For LBP patients, the distinction between the baseline patient characteristics for the four different
groups was less pronounced than for NP patients.
For patients with LBP, patients belonging to the
‘slowly recovering from severe baseline pain’ class
had baseline characteristics that were clearly different from those in the other three classes. However,
also in between these three classes, there were clear
differences, such as in the level of education, duration of the complaint, sick leave, previous imaging
and previous back pain. The ‘slowly recovering from
severe baseline pain’ class, representing the smallest
group of LBP patients, was the class characterized by
the highest pain at baseline and had the highest subjective functional limitations (ODI score), the highest
score on fear for treatment, the lowest patient expectations, the highest score on the four categories of
the 4DSQ and the highest score on the FABQ.
We aimed to determine whether membership to
each of the trajectories could be explained by characteristics measured at baseline and/or at follow-up.
Membership in different classes and its association with subsequent outcome for functional status and
pain at 6 and 12 months are presented in Table 4 for
patients with NP and in Table 5 for those with LBP.
There was very little to no within-class change over
time in pain or functional status for patients with
LBP at 6 and at 12 months. For patients with NP,
classes 1, 2 and 3 display worse scores on functional
status at 12 months compared to their scores at
6 months, and classes 1 and 2 have higher pain
scores at 12 months than at 6 months.
Comparing the trajectories for LBP patients and
NP patients, we see that classes 2 and 4 are the same
for NP and LBP and that classes 1 and 3 represent
similar but not the same pain trajectories over a period of 26 weeks. Class 1 represents those NP patients
recovering from mild pain, and the LBP patients
recovering from severe pain. Class 4 represents the
stable groups: For NP, it is stable and severe, and for
LBP, it is stable and moderate. All four patterns, for
both NP and LBP, are encountered in clinical
We classified NP and LBP patients into distinct
groups using LCGA of detailed longitudinal data on
the course of their pain over time. Both NP patients
and patients presenting with LBP each demonstrated
four distinct groups with different trajectories of pain
in the 6 months following the first consultation with
the chiropractor.
To our knowledge, it is the first time that the
course of NP has been depicted and described based
on frequent and detailed longitudinal data over a
period of 26 weeks. The NP trajectories we found
can therefore not be compared with other models.
We used the same outcome measure, pain intensity, as in Dunn’s study (Dunn et al., 2006). Axen
used bothersomeness as outcome measure, whereas
Leboeuf-Yde et al. (2013) and Kongsted and
Leboeuf-Yde (2009) used number of days with pain.
The trajectories that we found for LBP resemble
the patterns found by Axen et al. (2011). On the
other hand however, the trajectories that we found
differed greatly from the models proposed by Dunn
et al. (2006). Our data neither followed the findings
from the Nordic back pain subpopulation programme, showing nine different patterns in LBP
patients followed over a period of 18 weeks (Kongsted and Leboeuf-Yde, 2009). Also the episodic trajectory, where patients have episodes of LBP and
pain free periods of at least one month in between
as found by Leboeuf-Yde et al. (2013) in a population of 261 49/50-year-olds, could not be reproduced
by our data. Only the ‘recovering from mild baseline
pain’ trajectory, albeit the largest group, is similar to
the ‘recovering’ trajectory from Dunn et al. (2006).
This discrepancy can possibly be explained by the
differences in patient population. The study by Dunn
et al. (2006) comprised of 342 primary care LBP consulters. Although not specified in the methods section of the studies, one can assume that Dunn’s
patient population resembled the patient population
of Croft et al. (1998), who did a study in two large
general practitioner practices in Manchester. Those
patients received ‘usual care’ and were not routinely
referred for a specific form of therapy. Croft concluded that ‘since most consulters continue to have
long=-term LBP and disability, effective early treatment could reduce the burden of these symptoms
and their social, economic, and medical impact’
(Croft et al., 1998). Our study included 448 patients
who were treated by a chiropractor.
The identified trajectories in our study reinforce
one of the conclusions made by Kongsted and colleagues that, for most patients, LBP is not a condition from which they either experience a rapid complete recovery or develop chronic severe pain.
Rather, LBP is a condition of persistent or fluctuating
pain of low or medium intensity (Kongsted et al., 2016).
Neck pain and LBP have similar but not the same
pain trajectories over a period of 26 weeks. Two trajectories, the ‘recovering from mild baseline pain’
and the ‘recovering from severe baseline pain’, are
nearly identical. These two trajectories are also the
most common. The other two trajectories show a
specific course for NP and LBP. However, both for
NP (severe chronic and recovering from mild baseline pain with a flare-up) and for LBP (moderate
chronic and slowly recovering from severe baseline
pain), these trajectories result from a smaller number
of patients. As a result of dropouts, or missing data
over a period of time, especially in those classes with
a smaller number of patients (classes 3 and 4), the
course could be estimated less reliably, and therefore, the trajectory might have a different pattern
than depicted in the figures at the end of the
26 weeks. It was the intention of the research team
to chart both NP and LBP over a period of 1 year,
but large dropout rates up to 80% in the later stages
of the study made LCGA impossible.
Strengths and weaknesses
A strength of this study was the use of a relatively
novel method of data collection, the use of frequent
SMS data collection over a longer period of time.
This allowed us to precisely chart the trajectories of
NP and LBP. Another major strength of this study
was the large number of patients with NP and LBP
who participated in this study. This allowed for analyses with great precision. Moreover, it provided the
opportunity to examine the consistency of the
results by presenting the comparisons for patients
with NP and LBP separately. Although some classes
were very small (2.6% for Class 4 in NP patients), in
LCGA separate classes are statistically corrected from
1% and the posterior probabilities’ value of Class 4 is
close to 1 (0.958) and thus very good. In addition,
Class 4 describes a pattern where patients with NP
experience a flare-up; this is also observed in clinical
The use of text messages via mobile phones to collect frequent data has the advantage of being cheap
and user-friendly (Axen et al., 2012); most people
nowadays carry their phone with them at all times
and thus can respond at any time. Further, it has been
shown to be capable of yielding valid data (Whitford et al., 2012; Richmond et al., 2015). However, the
questions asked are restricted by the size of the text
message (maximum 140 characters). Our study
showed that researchers should strictly follow-up on
the weekly answers by all the participants: About
20% of those people agreeing to participate in the
weekly follow-up by SMS failed to reply to the first set
of four questions and never entered the study. Also,
technical problems from the provider or the participant can occur, leading to missing data. In our study,
due to technical problems the sending of text messages was interrupted for a period of 6–9 weeks.
Although this was detected by the research group
within 2 weeks, it took many weeks for the providers
to come up with a solution. As this was an incident, it
is plausible that these missing responses were missing
completely at random. LCGA uses multiple imputation to handle these missing data. Latent class growth
models assume that the missing values are MAR.
Although this assumption is difficult to test, the Mplus
software offers robust opportunities to assess the missing data in as much detail as possible. Through the
PATTERNS option, we are able to assess the missing
data on the individual level (Muthen and Muthen, 2012). Mplus provides information about the number
and frequency of missing data patterns, and in fact,
several studies have shown that indeed in the case of
Missing At Random (MAR) or Missing Completely At
Random (MCAR) MAR or MCAR, results of these
latent class models are robust, that is resulting in comparable trajectories in sensitivity analyses (Muthen, 2003; Muthen and Muthen, 2010; Hoekstra et al.,
2011). To maximize the effectivity of collecting data
via SMS, it appears that the system might need a
research assistant to closely monitor the entire process, thereby compromising or even undoing the
monetary advantages of the follow-up via text messaging. Macedo et al. (2012) found that SMS supplemented by phone interviews for those not responding
increased the response rate from 60% to 95%.
Our data show that the majority of patients treated by chiropractors for nonspecific NP or LBP do get
better, regardless of their pain at baseline. Patients
not responding within 6 weeks of treatment do not
seem to benefit from chiropractic care, and thus,
treatment should not be continued beyond this
point. Axen and colleagues described a cluster of
patients in a similar patient population. They called
it the ‘typical patient’ group, with medium bothersomeness at baseline and an average improvement
over the first 4–5 weeks (Axen et al., 2011). Our
data can help primary care physicians and other healthcare clinicians including chiropractors to
inform patients on the course of NP or LBP when
treated by chiropractic.
Future research efforts to chart musculoskeletal
pain in similar and other disciplines working with
NP and LBP patients should exert special attention
to closely monitor the SMS data collection, as large
data sets with very few missing data could provide
invaluable information and might challenge or confirm the four-cluster model proposed in this paper.
Most patients with NP or LBP presenting in chiropractic care show a trajectory of symptoms characterized by persistent or fluctuating pain of low or
medium intensity. Only a minority either experience
a rapid complete recovery or develop chronic severe
pain. The two most common classes ‘recovering from
mild baseline pain’ and ‘recovering from high baseline pain’ were consistent for both NP and LBP and
accounted for 90% of the patients. The other two
classes were less frequent and differed between NP
and LBP patients. The four different classes showed
distinct baseline patient characteristics and outcome
in pain and functional status at 6 and 12 months
Supplementary Material
Table S1
Baseline characteristics of patients in the entire cohort versus the baseline characteristics of those patients in the trajectory study.
Appendix 1
Missings patients with low back pain.
Author contributions
All authors provided concept/idea/research design and
writing. Mr Ailliet provided data collection. Mr Ailliet, Dr
Rubenstein, and Dr Hoekstra provided data analysis. Dr
Rubenstein, Professor van Tulder, and Professor de Vet
provided project management. Mr Ailliet, Dr Rubenstein,
and Professor de Vet provided fund procurement. Mr Ailliet and Dr Rubenstein provided participants. Dr Rubenstein and Professor de Vet provided facilities/equipment. Professor de Vet provided institutional liaisons. Dr Rubenstein, Dr Hoekstra, Professor van Tulder, and Professor de Vet provided consultation (including review of manuscript before submitting).
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