J Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics 1999; 3 (1): 203-206
Killinger, LZ.; Azad, A
Objective: This study outlines the chiropractic care of an eleven-month-old male with severe, complicated, late onset infantile colic. The infant had been unable to consume solid foods for a period of four months, and suffered from severe constipation. In addition, this subject demonstrated extreme muscular weakness and lack of coordination The baby was unable to crawl, stand, or walk, and was greatly unresponsive to his surroundings.
Subject: An eleven-month-old baby boy.
Setting: A chiropractic college teaching and research clinic; Circa 1949.
Methods: Upper Cervical Specific chiropractic adjustments for a subluxation of the first cervical vertebra
Results: Immediate improvements in muscle strength, coordination, responsiveness, and ability to consume solid foods without vomiting.
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