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Figure 8
Leading ten causes of all-age DALYs with the ratio of observed to expected DALYs on the basis of Socio-demographic Index in 2016, by location
The ratio of observed to expected DALYs on the basis of Socio-demographic Index is provided in brackets for each cause and cells are colour-coded by ratio ranges (calculated to place a roughly equal number of cells into each bin). Shades of blue represent much lower observed DALY levels than expected on the basis of Socio-demographic Index, whereas red shows observed DALYs that exceed expected levels. Alcohol=alcohol use disorders. Alzheimer's=Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Anxiety=anxiety disorders. Back+Neck=low back and neck pain. Cirr alc=cirrhosis due to alcohol use. Cirr HepC=cirrhosis due to hepatitis C. CKD=chronic kidney disease. CMP=cardiomyopathy and myocarditis. Colorect C=colon and rectum cancer. Conflict Terror=conflict and terrorism. Congenital=congenital anomalies. COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Depression=depressive disorders. Diabetes=diabetes mellitus. Diarrhoea=diarrhoeal diseases. DR Congo=Democratic Republic of the Congo. Drugs=drug use disorders. HIV=HIV/AIDS. HTN HD=hypertensive heart disease. IHD=ischaemic heart disease. Iron=iron-deficiency anaemia. Liver C=liver cancer. LRI=lower respiratory infections. Lung C=lung, bronchus, and trachea cancers. NN Enceph=neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma. NN Preterm=neonatal preterm birth complications. NN Sepsis=neonatal sepsis and other neonatal infections. Oth Cardio=other cardiovascular and circulatory diseases. Oth MSK=other musculoskeletal disorders. Oth NN=Other neonatal disorders. PEM=protein-energy malnutrition. Prostate C=prostate cancer. Road Inj=road injuries. Sense=sense organ diseases. Skin=skin and subcutaneous diseases. STD=sexually transmitted diseases excluding HIV. Stomach C=stomach cancer. Stroke=Cerebrovascular disease. TB=tuberculosis. Violence=interpersonal violence.