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Table 1

Included studies, by study design and first author

Prospective cohort studies

Carey []The outcomes and costs of care for acute low back pain among patients seen by primary care practitioners, chiropractors, and orthopedic surgeons1995A

Elder []Comparative effectiveness of usual care with or without chiropractic care in patients with recurrent musculoskeletal back and neck Pain2018A

Graves []Factors associated with early magnetic resonance imaging utilization for acute occupational low back pain: a population-based study from Washington State workers' compensation2012A

Keeney []Early predictors of lumbar spine surgery after occupational back injury: results from a prospective study of workers in Washington State2013A
Cohort studies (retrospective/cross-sectional)

Anderson []Three patterns of spinal manipulative therapy for back pain and their association with imaging, injection procedures, and surgery: a cohort study of insurance claims2021A

Anderson []Risk of treatment escalation in recipients vs nonrecipients of spinal manipulation for musculoskeletal cervical spine disorders: analysis of insurance claims2021H

Bezdjian []Efficiency of primary spine care as compared to conventional primary care: a retrospective observational study at an Academic Medical Center2022H

Davis []The effect of reduced access to chiropractic care on medical service use for spine conditions among older adults2021H

Davis []Access to chiropractic care and the cost of spine conditions among older adults2019H

Fritz []Importance of the type of provider seen to begin health care for a new episode low back pain: associations with future utilization costs2016H

Hong []Clinician-level predictors for ordering low-value imaging2017H

Hurwitz []Variations in patterns of utilization and charges for neck pain in North Carolina, 2000 to 2009: a statewide claims' data analysis2016H

Hurwitz []Variations in patterns of utilization and charges for the care of low back pain in North Carolina, 2000 to 2009: a statewide claims' data analysis 2016H

Jin []Healthcare resource utilization in management of opioid-naive patients with newly diagnosed neck pain2022H

Kazis []Observational retrospective study of the association of initial healthcare provider for new-onset low back pain with early and long-term opioid use2019H

Liliedahl []Cost of care for common back pain conditions initiated with chiropractic doctor vs medical doctor/doctor of osteopathy as first physician: experience of one Tennessee-based general health insurer2010H

Louis []Association of initial provider type on opioid fills for individuals with neck pain2020H

Rhon []The influence of a guideline-concordant stepped care approach on downstream healthcare utilization in pts with spine and shoulder pain2019H

Weeks []Cross-sectional analysis of per capita supply of doctors of chiropractic and opioid use in younger Medicare beneficiaries2016H

Weeks []The association between use of chiropractic care and costs of care among older Medicare patients with chronic low back pain and multiple comorbidities2016H

Whedon []Initial choice of spinal manipulation reduces escalation of care for chronic low back pain among older Medicare beneficiaries2022H

Whedon []Long-Term Medicare Costs Associated With Opioid Analgesic Therapy vs Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain in a Cohort of Older Adults2021H

Whedon []Initial choice of spinal manipulative therapy for treatment of chronic low back pain leads to reduced long-term risk of adverse drug events among older Medicare beneficiaries2021H

Whedon []Association between utilization of chiropractic services for treatment of low back pain and use of prescription opioids2018H

Whedon []Impact of chiropractic care on use of prescription opioids in patients with spinal pain2020H

Whedon []Association between chiropractic care and use of prescription opioids among older Medicare beneficiaries with spinal pain: a retrospective observational study2022H

Cost studies

Grieves []Cost minimization analysis of low back pain claims data for chiropractic vs medicine in a managed care organization2009A

Haas []Cost-effectiveness of medical and chiropractic care for acute and chronic low back pain2005H

Harwood []Where to start? A two-stage residual inclusion approach to estimating influence of the initial provider on healthcare utilization and costs for low back pain in the US2022H

Jarvis []Cost per case comparison of back injury claims of chiropractic versus medical management for conditions with identical diagnostic codes1991A

Kominski []Economic evaluation of four treatments for low-back pain: results from a randomized controlled trial2005A

Legorreta []Comparative analysis of individuals with and without chiropractic coverage: patient characteristics, utilization, and costs2004H

Leininger []Cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy, supervised exercise, and home exercise for older adults with chronic neck pain2016H

Mosley []Cost effectiveness of chiropractic care in a managed care setting1996A

Nelson []Effects of a managed chiropractic benefit on the use of specific diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the treatment of low back and neck pain2005A

Phelan []An evaluation of medical and chiropractic provider utilization and costs: treating injured workers in North Carolina2004A

Shekelle []Comparing the costs between provider types of episodes of back pain care1995A

Smith []Costs and recurrences of chiropractic and medical episodes of low-back care1997H

Stano []A comparison of healthcare costs for chiropractic and medical patients1993A

Stano []The economic role of chiropractic: an episode analysis of relative insurance costs for low back care1993A

Stano []Further analysis of healthcare costs for chiropractic and medical patients1994A

Stano []Chiropractic and medical care costs of low back care: results from a practice-based observational study2002A

Stano []Chiropractic and medical costs of low back care1996A

Randomized controlled trial

Cherkin(63)A comparison of physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, and provision of an educational booklet for the treatment of patients with low back pain1998A

*A, acceptable quality, moderate risk of bias;

H, high quality, low risk of bias