Comparison of Characteristics of Users of Medical and Chiropractic Providers

Provider Type
VariableVariable TypeMD (n = 405) Mean (SD) or %DC (n = 1009) Mean (SD) or %Pa
Baseline VASHS56.5 (24.49)50.8 (24.21).0001
Baseline OswestryHS48.6 (17.75)40.6 (17.35).0001
HOS scoreAtt
    Information subscale on 7-point scale4.8 (1.90)5.2 (1.72).0001
    Behavior subscale on 9-point scale4.0 (2.41)5.1 (2.52).0001
AgeSoc38.7 (10.83)41.5 (11.68).0001
Number of health conditions (8 choices)HS
    Past1.47 (1.15)1.41 (1.14).35
    Current0.90 (1.15)0.91 (1.15).89
History of back painHS86.291.8.0014
Chronic (> 6 weeks of pain)HS32.822.2.0009
Trusts MDsAtt94.682.7.0001
Trusts DCsAtt60.095.3.0001
Against taking prescription drugsAtt25.743.3.0001
Confidence in health care provider’s ability to successfully treat LBPAtt72.493.8.0001
Believes that MDs and DCs are equally skilled in treating LBPAtt43.731.7.0001
Has private health insuranceIns86.784.1.23
    Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid)12.61.5
    Workers’ comp8.96.6
    Auto insurance3.53.5
Female genderSoc51.652.0.88
Marital statusSoc.36
    Never married14.113.3
    Living with significant other7.25.3
Employment statusSoc.0001
    Full time66.761.7
    Part time7.210.8
Income > $36 000Soc53.658.3.11
Education (≥ some college)Soc67.470.4.27
Smoking statusSoc25.419.8.02

Note. MDs = medical doctors; DCs = chiropractors; HS = health status; Att = attitude; Ins = insurance; Soc = sociodemographic.

at test for difference in means and χ2 test for difference in proportions.