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Table 3

Results of the sensitivity analyses.
Healthcare costs (USD)
Estimate (95% CI)
Pain (0–10 scale)
Estimate (95% CI)
Opioid use (percentage points)
Estimate (95% CI)
Base case—any use of CIH (n = 30,634)-$637
(-$1,023, -$247)
(-0.40, -0.27)
0.76 points
(0.59, 0.93)

8 or more CIH visits
(n = 5,053)
($693, $2,236)
(-0.43, -0.19)
0.86 points (0.52, 1.19)

Acupuncture (n = 7,694)-$216
(-$972, $539)
(-0.31, -0.11)
0.63 points (0.34, 0.92)

Chiropractic (n = 15,836)-$212
(-$604, $181)
(-0.47, -0.28)
0.73 points (0.54, 0.92)

(n = 7,604)
(-$1,486, $92)
(-0.50, -0.22)
0.67 points (0.43, 0.91)
CIH = complementary and integrative health approaches/therapies.