Figure 4
Quantitative sensory testing. Measurement of pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) and suprathreshold sensitivity with the use of a Wagner Force Dial FPX algometer at different body locations.
(A) Local segmental PPTs measured 2.5 cm lateral to the spinous process of the vertebral segment with the highest clinical pain intensity identified by the patient or via posterior to anterior manual palpation.
(B) Dermatomal segmental PPTs measured over muscle tissue located under the dermatome of the segment identified in (A).
(C) Heterosegmental PPTs measured 2.5 cm lateral to the spinous process of an asymptomatic vertebral segment located four to six segments cranial to the segment identified in (A).
(D) Remote PPTs measured over muscle tissue in the centre of the thenar eminence. All participants whose image was used for this figure provided written consent to the inclusion of this image in the manuscript.
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Published online 2023 Feb 10.