Z Gesamte Inn Med 1993 (May); 48 (5): 223–32
Kahler W, Kuklinski B, Ruhlmann C, Plotz C
Klinik fur Innere Medizin,
Klinikums Rostock-Sudstadt
Our investigations carried out in patients with diabetes
mellitus revealed oxidative stress loads. The study
presented here was to clarify whether a therapy with
antioxidants can contribute to an improvement of prognosis.
80 patients affected with a long term diabetic late syndrome
were randomised and arranged to 4 groups of n = 20 each. In
contrast to a control group these patients received 600 mg
of alpha lipoic acid or 100 micrograms of selenium (sodium
selenite) daily or 1200 IE of D–alpha–tocopherol
respectively for a time of 3 months. In comparison with the
control group all groups treated in an antioxidative way
showed significantly diminished serum concentrations of
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and of urinary
albumin excretion rates. The symptoms of distal symmetric
neuropathy measured according to the thermo– and vibration
sensitivity also improved in a highly significant manner.
The results prove that oxidative stress plays a promoting
role in developing of long term diabetic late complications
and that a therapy with adjuvant antioxidants may lead to a
regression of diabetic late complications.