Brain Res 2016 (Jun 1); 1640 (Pt A): 114–129 ~ FULL TEXT
Cole Vonder Haar, Todd C. Peterson, Kris M. Martens, Michael R. Hoane
Restorative Neuroscience Laboratory
Department of Psychology,
Life Science II, MC 6502
Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
With the numerous failures of pharmaceuticals to treat traumatic brain injury in humans, more researchers have become interested in combination therapies. This is largely due to the multimodal nature of damage from injury, which causes excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, edema, neuroinflammation and cell death. Polydrug treatments have the potential to target multiple aspects of the secondary injury cascade, while many previous therapies focused on one particular aspect. Of specific note are vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can be utilized to supplement other therapies. Many of these have low toxicity, are already FDA approved and have minimal interactions with other drugs, making them attractive targets for therapeutics. Over the past 20 years, interest in supplementation and supraphysiologic dosing of nutrients for brain injury has increased and indeed many vitamins and nutrients now have a considerable body of literature backing their use. Here, we review several of the prominent therapies in the category of nutraceutical treatment for brain injury in experimental models, including vitamins (B2, B3, B6, B9, C, D, E), herbs and traditional medicines (ginseng, gingko biloba), flavonoids, and other nutrients (magnesium, zinc, carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids). While there is still much work to be done, several of these have strong potential for clinical therapies, particularly with regard to polydrug regimens.
From the FULL TEXT Article:
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects 2.5 million individuals in
the United States every single year and an estimated 1–2% of
the population currently lives with chronic impairments due
to TBI [Thurman et al., 1999; Zaloshnja et al., 2008]. In
addition to the personal costs associated with brain injury,
there is a considerable financial burden associated with
primary care, rehabilitation and loss of productivity due to
ongoing problems [Humphreys et al., 2013]. Despite the scope
of the problem, over 30 years of animal research into the
mechanisms and consequences of TBI have failed to yield
any successful pharmaceutical agents to treat brain injury in
humans. The many unsuccessful clinical trials have caused
the field to reconsider several factors involved in clinical and
preclinical experimental design. One particular problem with
drugs that failed clinical trials is that they were too specific in
their treatment targets. This has resulted in a large push in
recent years to assess combination therapies, targeting multiple
mechanisms of action [Margulies et al., 2015]. As
nutritionally-based therapies supplement basic biological
function and have therapeutic action in the injured brain,
these therapies may eventually represent an important
component of combination therapies.
In the clinic, major changes in nutritional status have
been observed after TBI. The combination of alterations in
blood flow, excitotoxicity, free radical damage and altered
global and regional metabolic rates has been identified as a
major contributor to secondary damage from brain injury
[Vespa et al., 2005]. This metabolic crisis in the early stages of
TBI can be detrimental to outcomes and recent studies have
shown that supplementing basic nutrition can significantly
improve functional outcomes in patients [Horn et al., 2015;
Taha et al., 2011]. The guidelines for hospital management of
TBI, provided by the Brain Trauma Foundation only include
minimal standards for nutritional supplementation, suggesting
that patients be placed on full nutritional replacement
within 72 h [Bratton et al., 2006]. Of note is that standard
nutritional replacement is typically formulated to contain
carbohydrates, fats and proteins, with no vitamins or other
minerals. Deficiencies in nutrition may further exacerbate TBI
symptoms and the depletion of bioactive vitamins, minerals
and other compounds may make it difficult for the body to
process other pharmaceutical compounds, a phenomenon
observed in experimental brain injury [Anderson et al., 2015;
Kalsotra et al., 2003].
In this paper, we provide an overview of the overlooked
area of nutritionally-based therapies in TBI, focusing on
findings at the preclinical level. These therapies, collectively
referred to as nutraceuticals, have historically been highlighted
as preventative measures for chronic diseases [Lassi
et al., 2014; Moyer, 2014; Schleicher et al., 2013]. However, in
recent years, many vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients
have risen to prominence as potential primary therapeutics
and have generated increasing interest [Curtis and Epstein,
2014; Scrimgeour and Condlin, 2014]. Nutraceutical therapies
may provide an excellent avenue of treatment for many
patients with brain injury. However, they are considerably
understudied relative to other pharmacotherapies. The nutrients
discussed below represent a wide array of therapeutic
mechanisms which offer many opportunities for complementary
or even synergistic mechanisms with other pharmaceuticals.
Below we highlight the most promising findings from
the experimental brain injury literature.
Vitamins are nutrients that are required for normal physiological
functioning. Many play crucial roles within the brain
in a variety of processes. While vitamins have been widely
investigated for their roles in physiology, recent research has
begun to examine the how they are involved in dysfunction
of the nervous system, from chronic disease to acute insults.
The vitamins reviewed below were selected based on existing
evidence showing benefits in the treatment of neural insults.
A majority of the vitamins have been explored with regards
to experimental brain injury, with the exception of vitamins
A, B1, B5, B7, B12 and K. Of those that have not been directly
assessed in experimental TBI models, vitamin B1 (thiamine)
and vitamin B12 (cobalamin) may warrant investigation given
that both are important for maintaining nerve function and
deficiencies in either have been found to contribute to a
variety of neuropathies [Chopra and Tiwari, 2012; Scalabrino
and Peracchi, 2006].
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Riboflavin is a powerful antioxidant acquired from meat and
dairy dietary sources. It is readily absorbed, required for
normal cellular functioning [Powers, 2003], and has strong
antioxidant effects [Hultquist et al., 1993]. Riboflavin rapidly
reduces oxidized iron [Hultquist et al., 1993], high levels of
which lead to free radical damage and lipid peroxidation
[Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1984; Inci et al., 1998]. It delays
in vitro neuronal death under excitotoxic conditions in a
dose- and time-dependent manner [Lin et al., 2004]. Vitamin
B2 is absorbed and phosphorylated to become flavin mononucleotide
and is then converted into flavin adenine dinucleotide
[Powers, 2003], both of which act as electron carriers
in biochemical oxidations and reductions. Additionally, ribo-
flavin can be converted to dihydroriboflavin which reduces
hemeproteins with high oxidative states of iron, further
reducing oxidative damage [Betz et al., 1994; Halliwell and
Gutteridge, 1984; Hultquist et al., 1993].
Despite its status as a powerful antioxidant, there have
been very few studies of neuroprotection with riboflavin. In
experimental brain injury, a dose of 7.5 mg/kg led to substantial
functional recovery in sensorimotor function as well
as reference and working spatial memory [Barbre and Hoane,
2006; Hoane et al., 2005]. Additionally, animals treated with
vitamin B2 had smaller lesions, significant reductions of
reactive astrocytes, and less edema. Moreover, in one study,
vitamin B2 in combination with magnesium led to fewer
impairments and accelerated functional recovery compared
to either nutrient alone [Barbre and Hoane, 2006]. While the
animal literature is limited, recent clinical studies using a
nutrient combination drug that includes riboflavin and nicotinamide
(trade name: Cytoflavin) marketed in Russia have
shown promise following severe TBI. However, improvement
was measured peripherally (e.g., reducing organ failure,
sepsis, etc.) and it has not been used to assess neural
impairments [Lebedeva et al., 2014]. Vitamin B2 is a strong
antioxidant with considerable clinical promise, but further
research is needed to validate these findings, at multiple time
points, varied dosing parameters, and in additional injury
Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide)
Nicotinamide (NAM) is the amide form of nicotinic acid
(niacin) and is currently used clinically in the treatment of
pellagra [Yang et al., 2002]. Its mechanism as a neuroprotective
agent has been extensively characterized following TBI
and stroke [for review, see [Vonder Haar et al. 2013]. The
protective actions of NAM are multimodal and include energy
supplementation, poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 (PARP) inhibition,
free radical scavenging and sirtuin inhibition [Maiese
et al., 2009]. NAM increases available energy in the injured
brain as a precursor to nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
(NADž), which is a critical component of the electron transport
chain, assisting in the production of ATP [Maiese and
Chong, 2003; Ying, 2008]. The sirtuins and PARP are
metabolically-demanding processes which balance the repair
of DNA damage and the inhibition of which has been shown
to improve outcomes for TBI [Stoica et al., 2014]. Finally,
NADž is a source of free radical scavenging as an electron
donor [Maiese et al., 2009]. The combination of these
mechanisms has made NAM an attractive target for brain
injury therapy.
Vitamin B3 treatment has been shown to be effective
across multiple injury models, locations, and doses [Hoane
et al., 2006a, 2006b; Hoane et al., 2008b, 2008c]. Specifically,
NAM treatment has improved sensory, motor and cognitive
function following frontal injury [Hoane et al., 2003, 2008b;
Vonder Haar et al., 2011, 2014] and unilateral, sensorimotor
cortex injury [Goffus et al., 2010; Hoane et al., 2008c, 2006;
Esen et al., 2003; Quigley et al., 2009], with a time window of
up to four hours [Hoane et al., 2008b, 2008c]. Further,
combination therapy with NAM and progesterone has shown
additive effects, including reduced cell death, astrocyte activation,
and substantially improved performance in multiple
functional assessments [Peterson et al., 2015]. While NAM has
shown impressive preclinical efficacy, one study in aged rats
observed no benefits, and a trend towards impairment at
higher doses [Swan et al., 2011]. Histopathological outcome
measures have also demonstrated neuroprotective actions of
NAM administration. Acutely (o7 days post injury), vitamin
B3 treatment reduced apoptosis, degenerating neurons,
edema, and blood-brain barrier compromise, altered the
number of activated astrocytes and decreased lesion size
[Hoane et al., 2006a, 2006b; Holland et al., 2008]. Chronically
(420 days post injury), NAM treatment reduced lesion size
and active astrocytes [Goffus et al., 2010; Hoane et al., 2003,
2008b, 2008c, 2006; Peterson et al., 2012; Vonder Haar et al.,
2011, 2014]. These neuroprotective effects of NAM are corroborated
by brain injury studies specifically examining the
downstream targets of NAM, namely the sirtuin receptor,
supplementation of NADž and inhibition of NAD phosphate
oxidase, an enzyme involved in oxidative stress [Ansari et al.,
2014; Ferreira et al., 2013; Won et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2012].
The preclinical evidence in rats suggests that NAM may be
an interesting treatment to explore in a clinical population.
However, there are several problems to consider. A primary
concern is that it may have poor actions in aged individuals.
With demonstrated, fundamental changes to the NADž
complex during cellular aging [Parihar et al., 2008; Xu and
Sauve, 2010], higher levels of NAM may cause toxicity. The
reason is not immediately clear, but it is possible that these
issues may be associated with actions at sirtuin receptors
[Sauve, 2009; Ying, 2008] or changes in free radical scavenging
[Li et al., 2006; Ying, 2008]. In addition to the challenge of aged
populations, rodent models of TBI have shown that a 50 mg/
kg dose was the minimum to show behavioral effects [Hoane
et al., 2008b, 2008c] and that to exhibit maximal recovery, a
dose closer to 150–250 mg/kg per day may be necessary
[Peterson et al., 2012, 2015; Vonder Haar et al., 2011, 2014]. If
this dose was translated directly to humans from the rodent
model, it could possibly induce toxic reactions in humans,
although doses as high as 80 mg/kg have been tolerated
reasonably well [Bussink et al., 2002; Hoskin et al., 1995].
Even considering toxicity issues, NAM may exert protective
effects following human TBI and be a particularly interesting
target to be used in combination therapies as it is relatively
easily administered and has few negative interactions with
other drugs.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble, readily metabolized and
excreted vitamin with relatively low levels of toxicity
[Bender, 1999]. It has several different vitamer forms: pyridoxine,
pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine, all of which are converted
to pyridoxal 50
-phosphate (PLP), primarily in the liver
[Hwang et al., 2007; Kelly et al., 2003]. PLP is the active
coenzyme of vitamin B6, and is essential for the metabolism,
catabolism, and transamination of amino acids [Hwang et al.,
2007] as well as several other physiological reactions [Bender,
1999]. It has been suggested that PLP increases the availability
of molecules needed for normal metabolic functioning, aids
in glycogenolysis [Cabrini et al., 1998; Oka, 2001], and reduces
excitotoxicity [Bender, 1999; Roberts et al., 1964], all of which
are proposed mechanisms for neuroprotective effects.
There is evidence from the experimental stroke field that
PLP is neuroprotective following ischemic injury [Hwang
et al., 2007] and that the brain uprgegulates processes
involved in PLP production to combat depletion [Hwang
et al., 2004]. In experimental brain injury, one study surveyed
the effects of a low (300 mg/kg) and intermediate (600 mg/kg)
dose of pyridoxine, administered 30 min after unilateral TBI
[Kuypers and Hoane, 2010]. Both doses demonstrated some
improvements to sensorimotor function, but the higher dose
provided increased performance across multiple behaviors.
Additionally, only the 600 mg/kg dose demonstrated tissue
sparing, suggesting that quite high doses may be necessary to
see full benefits. However, chronic high doses of vitamin B6
can cause considerable neural toxicity and behavioral impairments,
including balance and gait problems [Krinke et al.,
1980; Xu et al., 1989], which limits the feasibility of long-term,
high-dose treatment. More work is needed to determine
whether an acute dosing paradigm, such as the one described
above, would be effective for treating human TBI.
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
Folic acid is best known for the role it plays in the closure of
the neural tube, but it is also crucial for cell division, DNA
synthesis and the maintenance of DNA methylation patterns
[Fenech, 2001]. While it has been researched heavily with
regards to possible effects on cognition, particularly in the
elderly, whether it improves cognitive function is
debatable [Fioravanti et al., 1997; Sommer et al., 2003]. Folic
acid, along with cobalamin and pyridoxine, is an important
cofactor in the homocysteine cycle, which is crucial for a
number of processes, including DNA expression and the
synthesis of creatine, melatonin and norepinepherine
[Miller, 2003]. Any beneficial effects seen in TBI would likely
stem from folic acid's action here, since high levels of
homocysteine have been shown to induce apoptosis, DNA
damage and PARP processes [Kruman et al., 2000]. In experimental
brain injury, mild beneficial effects have been
observed in the very acute post-injury stage in a piglet model
[Naim et al., 2011]. However, these effects were not replicated
in a rodent model of TBI, and an increased dose also did not
produce any benefit [Vonder Haar et al., 2012]. The few
available studies make it difficult to draw conclusions, but
generally the benefits of folic acid appear to be minimal in
brain injury.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid; Ascorbate)
Ascorbic acid is widely recognized as one of the most
important endogenous free radical scavengers [Grünewald,
1993]. It has also been suggested to have a neuroprotective
role in reducing damage from excitotoxicity [Rice, 2000]. As
part of the general metabolic dysfunction in TBI, tissue levels
of ascorbic acid have been shown to be severely reduced
immediately [Awasthi et al., 1997] and do not return to
normal until 72 h post-injury [Tyurin et al., 2000]. Additionally,
reduced vitamin C levels have been reported in aged
animals as a potential mechanism for increased injury [Moor
et al., 2006]. Despite this obvious dysfunction, relatively few
studies have attempted direct supplementation of vitamin C.
One such study showed that pretreatment with a combination
of vitamin C (45–60 mg/kg) and vitamin E preserved
ascorbic acid to near sham levels in injured rats and stimulated
superoxide dismutase production [Ishaq et al., 2013].
Another study demonstrated preserved motor function and
reduced vascular response as a result of vitamin C alone
[Wang et al., 2014b]. It is not immediately clear why so few
studies have tested ascorbic acid for brain injury. Further
study is warranted; however, researchers must be cautious
given the limited literature available on the effects of ascorbate
in the injured brain.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is known for its dermal synthesis from cholesterol
during sun exposure [Goldblatt and Soames, 1923]. Following
synthesis, some is converted the active form, calcitriol, which
is carried through plasma to multiple organs via vitamin Dbinding
protein [Bouillon et al., 1995]. A large portion of
vitamin D's neuroprotective effects are inferred from data
on vitamin D deficiency [Hollick, 2007] which suggest that it
modulates apoptosis [Thota et al., 2013] and reduces oxidative
stress, inflammation and excitotoxicity [Scrimgeour and
Condlin, 2014; Tang et al., 2013; Thota et al., 2013]. Deficiencies
in vitamin D can contribute to declines in cognitive
function, dementia and Alzheimer's disease [Littlejohns
et al., 2014]. Additionally, it may act as an antiinflammatory
cytokine, dampening immune responses
[Adams et al., 2010]. In the experimental brain injury literature,
vitamin D is known for its beneficial effects when
combined with progesterone [Atif et al., 2013; Hua et al.,
2012; Tang et al., 2013] and has recently been extended to a
clinical trial [Aminmansour et al., 2015].
In experimental brain injury, vitamin D was initially
explored in conjunction with progesterone for its potential
to act synergistically, and also to investigate the relationship
between age-related decline in vitamin D and brain injury
[Cekic and Stein, 2010]. Subsequent studies observed
improvements in Morris water maze (MWM) acquisition
[Hua et al., 2012] and reduced inflammation and neuronal
loss [Tang et al., 2015]. Although effective in adult rats, it
appears that this combination may be most beneficial in
middle-aged animals, potentially because of existing vitamin
D deficiencies. In middle-aged animals, this combination
significantly reduced the proliferation of astrocytes, prevented
MAP-2 degradation, and reduced neuronal loss [Tang
et al., 2013]. The reason for the synergy of vitamin D and
progesterone has yet to be fully elucidated, but one study has
suggested that it is a combination of reductions in astrocyte
activation and NFκB phosphorylation [Tang et al., 2015].
Although more studies are needed to validate vitamin D's
additive effects with progesterone under other conditions,
there is mounting evidence that the combination of progesterone
and vitamins may be a viable follow-up to the failures
of progesterone in clinical trials [Aminmansour et al., 2015;
Atif et al., 2013; Hua et al., 2012; Peterson et al., 2015; Tang
et al., 2013, 2015]. The growing evidence supporting vitamin
D, as well as its low toxicity, suggests this vitamin could fill
that role. However, further exploration of effects in younger
animals, a better understanding of the therapeutic window,
and stronger characterizations of functional recovery need to
be established prior to moving forward.
Vitamin E
Tocopherols and tocotrienols make up a group of compounds
more commonly known as vitamin E, the primary fat-soluble,
chain breaking antioxidant in the body [Brigelius-Flohé and
Traber, 1999; Parks and Traber, 2000]. The most biologically
active form of vitamin E is α-tocopherol (α-T); it is the second
most common form of vitamin E in western diets and a lipidsoluble
antioxidant which reduces reactive oxygen species
[Herrera and Barbas, 2001]. Treatment with vitamin E is
effective for some forms of cancer, and prevents and repairs
cell tissue damage following radiation [Singh and Krishnan,
2015]. In the central nervous system it has been investigated
under lesion [Stein et al., 1991] and TBI models [Clifton et al.,
1989; Koc et al., 1999]. The neuroprotective effects of α-T are
primarily mediated by its prevention of free radical propagation
via the halting of polyunsaturated fatty acid oxidation
chain reactions [Burton, 1990; Servet et al., 1998]. It may also
have beneficial downstream effects including: altering protein
kinase C signaling [Schneider, 2005], decreases in macrophage
activation via CD36 signaling [Devaraj et al., 2001],
increases of brain derived growth factor [Wu et al., 2010], and
decreases in Nogo-A [Yang et al., 2013a].
In models of TBI, α-T combined with polyethylene glycol
reduced mortality by 50% and improved motor recovery of
function [Clifton et al., 1989]. Similar beneficial effects in
cognitive function have been observed with α-T treatment
alone, even when administered up to 90 days after injury
[Stein et al., 1991; Wu et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2013b].
Furthermore, vitamin E reduces amyloidosis and improves
cognitive function after repetitive TBI in a model of Alzheimer's
disease [Conte et al., 2004]. Although these behavioral
effects are substantial, one study has shown limited efficacy
of vitamin E on lipid peroxidation in the acute post-injury
phase [Koc et al., 1999], but others have highlighted improvements
in markers of oxidative stress at later time points
[Ishaq et al., 2013; Servet et al., 1998]. Additional studies have
demonstrated that extended pretreatment confers the strongest
reductions in lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress
[Hall et al., 1992; Wu et al., 2010]. The preclinical data
supporting vitamin E in TBI are strong, especially considering
that there is a significant drop in plasma and brain levels of
vitamin E following injury [Ishaq et al., 2013]. Further, the
pharmacology in humans is known and is considered relatively
safe in its use as an anticonvulsant [Spiegel and
Noseworthy, 1963]. While it has high lipid solubility and low
toxicity [Clifton et al., 1989; Veinbergs et al., 2000], it takes a
considerable amount of time to reach effective levels in the
CNS [Hall et al., 1992] and can cause hemorrhage at very high
doses [Sesso et al., 2008]. These limitations should be taken
into account when considering vitamin E either alone or in a
polytherapy for patients.
Herbs and traditional Chinese medicines
Herbal remedies have been used in many cultures for a
variety of medicinal purposes, ranging from dubious benefits
to effective treatments for crippling disorders. Though a large
portion of this medicine is comes from tradition rather than
evidence-based approaches, there is a considerable amount
of research emerging on specific medical benefits of the
chemicals found in many herbs and roots. Of interest for
those studying brain injury are the herbs that may affect
aspects of the secondary cascade, namely those with antioxidant,
anti-apoptotic or neuroprotective effects.
Ginseng is a family of herbs that has been used in traditional
Chinese medicine for many centuries. Though it is a plant
with many complex molecules, several bioactive components
have been identified. The primary class is a chemical group
called saponins, of which the ginsenosides are the most
important. Recently, ginseng has gained attention as a preventative
for varied conditions such as influenza, cancer and
even impaired cognition [Lee et al., 2008; Scaglione et al.,
1995; Yun et al., 2010]. Interestingly, the common link
between many of these diseases is inflammation, which
ginseng has been shown to reduce [Lee and Lau, 2011]. In
experimental TBI studies, combined saponins from ginseng
have been shown to improve a variety of behavioral functions,
both cognitive and motor in a dose-dependent fashion,
with doses of 200 mg/kg showing the greatest benefits [Hu
et al., 2014; Ji et al., 2005; Kumar et al., 2014a; Xia et al., 2012].
One study even found improvements when ginseng was
administered 15 days after the initial injury [Kumar et al.,
2014a]. These studies also found histopathological improvements:
ginseng reduced markers of oxidative stress and
inflammation [Kumar et al., 2014a; Xia et al., 2012], decreased
cell loss [Hu et al., 2014; Ji et al., 2005; Xia et al., 2012] and
reduced apoptosis [Xia et al., 2012]. Studies in TBI have yet to
evaluate the specific ginsenosides responsible for these
beneficial effects, but there is a robust literature in the field
of experimental stroke for researchers interested in this topic.
The results from these studies suggest that ginseng may
provide neuroprotection through a combination of antiinflammatory
and antioxidant mechanisms.
Gingko biloba
G. biloba is a tree that dates back to prehistoric times, the leaf
extract of which is commonly available as an over-thecounter
supplement. The extract form contains several compounds,
including flavonoids (see section below) as well as
ginkgolides, which are likely the bioactive components
[Diamond et al., 2000]. Gingko has not been widely used in
the treatment of brain injury, however it has been explored as
a treatment for diseases related to TBI, including Alzheimer’s
disease, with some beneficial effects observed [Yang et al.,
2015]. One study has specifically assessed treatment of
experimental TBI by G. biloba extract and observed improvements
in motor and cognitive function. Treatment also
reduced cell loss in multiple regions of the brain, but failed
to improve the immediate lesion cavity [Hoffman and Stein,
1997]. Another study utilized ginkgolide B, a substrate of the
plant, and observed reductions in apoptosis and inflammatory
markers [Yu et al., 2012]. Although much more evidence
is needed to determine the efficacy of ginkgo in TBI, there are
other promising studies regarding ginkgo and ischemic injury
[Mdzinarishvili et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2013b; Zhang et al.,
Flavonoids are plant metabolites with many common dietary
sources, including fruits, vegetables, teas and wine. They
serve primarily as antioxidant agents, reducing free radicals
in tissues [Heim et al., 2002]. Because of this, high dietary
intake of flavonoids is associated with reduced risk for a
number of diseases, including heart and cerebrovascular
disease, diabetes and some types of cancer [Knekt et al.,
2002]. The brain injury field has taken note of these mechanisms
and recently a number of laboratories have begun
assessing the efficacy of the different flavonoids to treat
experimental TBI. Further, Enzogenol, a bark extract containing
multiple flavonoids, has already been assessed in a phase
II clinical trial, in which it was deemed safe and suggested to
accelerate recovery from mild TBI [Theadom et al., 2013].
Due to the many types of flavonoids, several different
compounds have been assessed in animal models of TBI.
However, not all have had repeated assessment across multiple
labs, limiting the generalization of the findings for specific
flavonoids. Most flavonoids have potent antioxidant properties
and work to improve redox status; through this, they
indirectly reduce neuroinflammation as well. In experimental
TBI, luteolin has received the most attention for its ability to
reduce a variety of markers of oxidative stress, inhibit
apoptosis, reduce inflammation and decrease edema
[Cordaro et al., 2014; Sawmiller et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2014a,
2014b]. Interestingly, one study using transgenic Alzheimer
mice, demonstrated that luteolin administration prevented
TBI-induced upregulation of beta-amyloid, phosphorylated
tau and glycogen synthase kinase-3 [Sawmiller et al., 2014].
One study suggested that the effects of luteolin are primarily
mediated through the Nrf2 pathway [Xu et al., 2014a] and
another suggested that increased autophagy may account for
other protective effects [Xu et al., 2014b]. Unfortunately, only
minimal motor testing has been performed to assess functional
recovery using luteolin [Cordaro et al., 2014; Xu et al.,
2014a], and more will be needed to determine the efficacy of
this drug. Quercetin is another antioxidant flavonoid that has
been shown to improve cognitive performance in the MWM
and normalize firing rates of neurons in injured brains
[Schültke et al., 2005; Yang et al., 2014]. Further, markers of
oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis were also
reduced [Yang et al., 2014]. Pycnogenol, a commercially
available supplement, reduced oxidative stress, inflammatory
cytokines and improve markers of synaptic function after
injury [Ansari et al., 2013; Scheff et al., 2013]. Several other
antioxidant flavonoids for TBI have also been evaluated,
albeit only in single studies. Baicalein, puerarin and formononentin
improved oxidative status and reduced cell death
[Li et al., 2014b; Wang et al., 2014a], as well as reduced
inflammatory markers and improved sensorimotor function
[Chen et al., 2008; Li et al., 2014b].
Other flavonoids appear to have distinct actions apart
from antioxidant properties. Of specific note is 7,8-dihydro-
flavone (7,8-DHF), which stimulates growth factors through
activation of the TrkB BDNF receptor. Treatment with 7,8-DHF
has been shown to improve markers associated with learning
and plasticity, specifically by preventing TBI-induced cell
death of new neurons and by rescuing phosphorylated creb
and GAP-43 levels [Agrawal et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2015].
These actions improved spatial memory, even when the drug
was administered several days after injury [Agrawal et al.,
2015]. Another pair of flavonoids have demonstrated direct
anti-inflammatory action in TBI models. Wogonin has been
shown to reduce inflammation through a TLR4-mediated
pathway, leading to improved behavioral function and
reduced cell death and cavitation [Chen et al., 2012]. Flavopiridol,
as a cell-cycle inhibitor, directly inhibits activation of
microglia and astrocytes, causing smaller lesion volume, less
glial scarring and providing recovery on motor and cognitive
behaviors [Di Giovanni et al., 2005]. The various flavonoids
have strong potential for the treatment of TBI, however, given
the variety of substances, much more research is needed to
identify common pathways by which they exert their effects
and determine which are the most effective for TBI.
Other nutrients
Over the last several decades, a large body of evidence has
accumulated suggesting that Mg2ž is vitally important in
various neurological injuries and that it interacts with other
micronutrients to maintain and promote cognitive function
and performance [Huskisson et al., 2007]. In particular, the
role that Mg2ž plays in the pathophysiological processes
following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the efficacy of
Mg2ž therapy in promoting functional recovery across a
variety of animal models has been well demonstrated
[Hoane, 2004; Hoane and Barth, 2001; Sen and Gulati, 2010;
Van Den Heuvel and Vink, 2004; Vink et al., 2009]. Mg2ž has
been shown to be effective in preventing excitotoxic damage
involved in a variety of types of neural damage and is also
involved in regulating antioxidant capabilities, particularly in
the aging brain [Barbagallo and Dominguez, 2010; Vink and
McIntosh, 1990]. The importance of Mg2ž in normal cellular
functioning has been well documented, as has its importance
in the pathophysiology following injury. Previously, several
reviews addressing these issues have been written [Hoane,
2004; Hoane and Barth, 2001; Sen and Gulati, 2010; Van Den
Heuvel and Vink, 2004] so the mechanistic actions will not be
chronicled here; instead, the focus will be on functional
outcome studies.
The use of Mg2+ therapies to promote recovery of function
has been investigated for several decades. Treatment with
magnesium has been used in models of ischemia [Izumi
et al., 1991; Tsuda et al., 1991; Vacanti and Ames, 1984], focal
cortical lesions [Hoane et al., 2000, 1998, 1997; Hoane and
Barth, 2001, 2002], and spinal cord injuries [Kwon et al., 2010]
to highlight but a few of many studies. In experimental TBI,
previous work has identified that dietary deficiencies in Mg2ž
lead to poorer functional outcomes and increased cell death;
however, some of these deficits can be rescued by Mg2ž
administration and supplementation post injury [Heath and
Vink, 1999; Hoane et al., 2008a; McIntosh et al., 1988].
Furthermore, at doses between 150–1000 mm/kg, Mg2ž administration
in animals with normal diets causes improvements
in sensorimotor functioning, memory and decreases in anxiety
following TBI [Enomoto et al., 2005; Hoane, 2005; McIntosh
et al., 1989; Vink et al., 2003]. In addition, these animals
demonstrate reductions in a variety of histopathological
outcomes including glial proliferation, BBB breach, edema
and neuronal death [Enomoto et al., 2005; Esen et al., 2003;
Ghabriel et al., 2006; Park and Hyun, 2004]. Collectively, these
findings suggest that Mg2ž modifies recovery of function
following neurological injury and that dietary magnesium
may reduce the subsequent risks of such injuries. Although
there have been recent failed clinical trials for both TBI and
stroke [Saver et al., 2015; Temkin et al., 2007], further research
is warranted with regards to combination therapies. Future
studies should focus on using Mg2ž to augment the existing
effects of other pharmaceuticals and examine strategies for
rapidly increasing brain concentrations of Mg2ž.
Zinc holds a controversial role in TBI pathophysiology.
Numerous studies have identified increased, toxic levels of
zinc following experimental injury, yet others have highlighted
zinc deficiency as a major problem after TBI and
demonstrated zinc supplementation to be an effective therapy.
It has been repeatedly suggested that zinc may contribute
to excitotoxic cell death [Frederickson et al., 2005,
2004] and studies in TBI have linked zinc accumulation to cell
death [Hellmich et al., 2007; Suh et al., 2000]. A likely
candidate for zinc damage in TBI is that cell death due to
excitotoxicity releases excess zinc, which is normally highly
protein-bound (80%). This free zinc then interferes with cell
processes via oxidative mechanisms, mitochondrial interference
and MAPK-related cell death pathways [Lau and
Tymianski, 2010]. Because of this, removal of excess zinc,
via chelation or targeted chemicals has been evaluated across
several studies with a mixture of beneficial [Hellmich et al.,
2004; Suh et al., 2000], null [Choi et al., 2014; Hellmich et al.,
2008] and detrimental results [Doering et al., 2010].
Because patients have shown zinc deficiency following TBI
[McClain et al., 1986], zinc supplementation has been evaluated
in both patients and rats. Results in patients showed a
trend towards improvements [Young et al., 1996] and in rats,
zinc provided moderate improvements to function [Cope
et al., 2012, 2011]. Further, zinc deficiency in rodents has
exacerbated neural injury [Yeiser et al., 2002]. The mechanism
by which zinc may exert its neuroprotective actions is
not well understood; however, there are several likely candidates.
One possibility is that zinc may affect redox signaling
directly [Li et al., 2010], however other studies call into
question whether this action is beneficial or detrimental
[Bishop et al., 2007]. Given the extreme mix of results
regarding zinc, researchers will need to carefully evaluate
the potential effects, both beneficial and detrimental of using
this as a therapy.
Normal mitochondrial function requires the amino acid
derivative carnitine, of which, the active stereoisomer is
acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC). ALC is synthesized in the brain
[Jones et al., 2010] and is also commercially available as a
supplement at nutrition retailers. It is easy to administer,
crosses the blood-brain barrier [Kido et al., 2001] and has low
toxicity [Wainwright et al., 2003]. Following neural insult,
mitochondrial respiration and energy production are altered.
Multiple studies have examined ALC's ability to repair mitochondrial
function and improve functional recovery after
hypoxic ischemia [Rosenthal et al., 1992; Slivka et al., 1990;
Wainwright et al., 2003] glutamate-induced excitotoxicity
[Nagesh Babu et al., 2011], as well as brain [Scafidi et al.,
2010] and spinal cord injury [Azbill et al., 1997; Conta
Steencken and Stelzner, 2010; Patel et al., 2012, 2010;
Sullivan et al., 2003; Yu et al., 2009]. The specific mechanism
by which ALC exerts its effects is unknown, but it is likely to
involve increases of ATP through the NADHž mediated
electron transport chain and reductions of high levels of
acyl-CoA esters that can impair mitochondrial processes
[Scafidi et al., 2010]. Additionally, it may mediate cellular
stress responses by inducing heat-shock proteins to repair
and prevent damage [Calabrese et al., 2006].
Many studies of spinal cord injury have utilized ALC to
improve mitochondria function and demonstrated critical
neuroprotection [McEwen et al., 2011; Patel et al., 2010, 2009;
Springer et al., 2010; Xiong et al., 2009]. Despite these findings
in a closely-related field, only one has assessed the effects of
carnitine in TBI. The researchers observed improvements to
near-sham levels in motor and cognitive functioning early
after injury and lesion volumes were significantly reduced
[Scafidi et al., 2010]. While the animal studies are limited, a
human study (nonrandomized, open-label) in retired
National Football League players used ALC as part of a
combination therapy which improved performance and brain
perfusion in players who received multiple TBIs [Amen et al.,
2011]. Additionally, it has been used in the clinical treatment
of Alzheimer's disease, depression, age, diabetes, ischemia
and other neurological diseases specifically associated with
metabolic compromise [Bonavita, 1986; Onofrj et al., 1995; Rai
et al., 1990; Spagnoli et al., 1991; Tempesta et al., 1987]. One
potential concern is that the majority of experimental studies
on ALC were performed in the immature brain [Patel et al.,
2010; Scafidi et al., 2010; Wainwright et al., 2003] and more
research needs to be completed to determine if ALC is
effective in other populations. Additional experiments are
required to explore sex differences, and determine whether
the therapeutic window can be extended beyond 1-h postinjury
[Scafidi et al., 2010]. Although the safety index and
beneficial effects of ALC is promising, research supporting its
effects following TBI is still in its infancy.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 acids are polyunsaturated fats found in both plants
and fish and have received much attention regarding prevention
of cancer, heart disease and stroke, although the
scope of these effects are debated [Campbell et al., 2013].
They play a varied role in the CNS, providing a substrate for
neuronal membrane phospholipids, modulating neurotransmission,
and protecting cells from oxidative stress and
inflammation through metabolites [Niemoller et al., 2009].
These acids have been a subject of interest in the field of TBI
for several years, particularly with regard to their use as a
prophylactic treatment. Multiple recent reviews have emphasized
the potential for these in TBI [Hasadsri et al., 2013;
Michael-Titus and Priestley, 2014], thus this section will only
briefly discuss their putative mechanism and potential.
Omega-3 acids in brain injury are thought to act by two
primary mechanisms, but potentially have numerous other
effects as well. First, they modulate neuronal survival by
preventing axonal loss after injury. This occurs by increasing
BDNF levels, reducing oxidative stress, and preventing
synapse degradation [Kumar et al., 2014b; Wu et al., 2004].
Second, they are strong anti-inflammatory agents, actively
reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-6,
and C-reactive protein and promoting the clearance of neutrophils
[Ferrucci et al., 2006; Li et al., 2014a]. In addition to
these mechanisms, there are several suggested effects with
less evidence. Notably, AMPA receptor modulation may
reduce levels of excitotoxicity as well as regulation of ion
channels and Ca2ž pumps which may also reduce excitotoxicity
and other problems associated with energy deficiency
after brain injury [Ménard et al., 2009; Vreugdenhil et al.,
While the biochemical evidence is quite promising, there
are relatively few studies that have examined functional
outcomes associated with omega-3 acids and brain injury.
Previous studies have examined the effects of modulating
fatty acids prior to injury. One such study found that depletion
of omega-3 acids led to worsened motor and memory
deficits [Desai et al., 2014] and others have shown that
supplementation prior to injury leads to improvements in
motoric ability and learning [Pu et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013;
Wu et al., 2004]. Despite these promising results, a clinical
trial examining fish oil and other compounds after injury
found no improvements in mortality from brain injury, but
did see improvements in some peripheral issues (e.g. infections)
[Painter et al., 2015]. The cumulative evidence regarding
omega 3 fatty acids is quite promising in the treatment of
brain injury, however further investigation is needed. One of
the biggest considerations is whether fish oils are only
effective as a prophylactic treatment. While this may limit
the applicability of these in the general populace, in vulnerable
populations such as athletes or military personnel,
omega-3 acids could provide strong benefits given the ease
of integrating them into diet.
There is a robust, yet disparate literature emerging on
treatments using nutritionally-based therapies for the treatment
of experimental brain injury. The largest challenges
facing these therapies are similar to those in other areas of
treatment, namely the need for replication and verification of
effects and disinterest from pharmaceutical companies. Several
of the nutraceuticals discussed above have evidence
stemming primarily from a single laboratory (e.g., Bvitamins
– Hoane laboratory, vitamin D – Stein laboratory).
This underscores the need for additional research to verify
effects in other models of brain injury and under other
laboratory conditions to determine how truly translational
these therapeutics are. Additionally, it is unclear whether
some of these compounds are understudied (e.g. vitamin B6,
vitamin B9, vitamin C) or whether, due to publication bias,
neutral or negative results have not been published. The lack
of clinical interest in many of these treatments is primarily a
monetary issue. It is difficult to convince pharmaceutical
companies to develop a drug that cannot be patented. There
are some ways to work around this problem, and the clinical
development of progesterone is good evidence for this
[Skolnick et al., 2014]. However, the best solution would be
for federal funding to explore treatment options that are
difficult to patent.
Despite these concerns, many of which apply to any
therapeutics being evaluated for brain injury, there is considerable
promise in a number of nutritionally-based therapies
given the current preclinical evidence. In particular,
nicotinamide, magnesium, the flavonoids, and omega-3 acids
have a broad body of research supporting their use in the
treatment of TBI. Nicotinamide has potent neuroprotective
effects through its multimodal mechanisms of supporting
energy production, inhibiting PARP activity and free radical
scavenging [Maiese et al., 2009]. This has been borne out
through studies of both experimental stroke and TBI over the
course of many years [Hoane et al., 2003; Peterson et al., 2015;
Vonder Haar et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2002]. Further, the timewindow
for recovery of function has been shown to be
around 4 h in the rat [Hoane et al., 2008b, 2008c], which
may fit into the timeframe for the treatment of human
injuries. Magnesium, while primarily acting on only one
target, excitotoxicity, has very strong effects in attenuating
damage and providing functional recovery [Hoane, 2005;
McIntosh et al., 1989; Vink et al., 2003]. Unfortunately, recent
failures in clinical trials indicate that is not efficacious on its
own and may limit interest. However, in combination with
treatments targeting other aspects of the secondary damage
cascade, there is still considerable potential for magnesium.
The flavonoids are a diverse class of molecules, possessing
strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and even growth
factor-stimulating properties [Agrawal et al., 2015; Chen
et al., 2012; Schültke et al., 2005]. There is converging
evidence from multiple laboratories and on the benefits of
these in treating brain injury. The large drawback to treating
brain injury with antioxidant agents is that many require
very early administration for full efficacy [RodriguezRodriguez
et al., 2014], however one, 7,8-DHF, has shown
improvements even when administered days after injury
[Agrawal et al., 2015]. Finally, omega-3 acids have shown
large potential in the prophylactic treatment of TBI [Hasadsri
et al., 2013; Pu et al., 2013] and have broad mechanisms of
action that affect several points in the secondary injury
cascade, including inflammatory signaling and cellular plasticity
[Li et al., 2014a; Wu et al., 2004].
Table 1
It is unlikely that any of these treatments will be successful
on their own in treating human brain injury. The biggest
potential for all of the therapies discussed in this review is in
combination therapy. While several of these have multimodal
action on different aspects of the secondary injury
cascade, none of them address all of the issues with brain
injury (see Table 1 for a summary of mechanisms). Researchers
interested in combining therapies such as these are
advised to consider treatments with complementary
mechanisms of action in order to provide additive or
synergistic benefit. The vitamins and nutrients reviewed
above have a variety of mechanisms, meaning they could
readily be combined with each other or with existing pharmaceuticals
in development. In the antioxidant category,
numerous flavonoids, ginseng and vitamins B2, C, D, and E
all have demonstrated beneficial effects. For excitotoxicity,
the options are more limited, but magnesium provides
relatively strong effects in blocking excitotoxic damage, and
vitamin B6 may also have potential in this area. Two agents,
vitamin B3 and carnitine, are effective neuroprotectants
through their mechanism of energy supplementation. Additionally,
several flavonoids and omega-3 acids improve neuroinflammatory
status. Finally, the flavonoid 7,8-DHF and
omega-3 acids improve function through other mechanisms
such as stimulating growth factors. While toxicity needs to be
monitored as nutrients are combined and used in very high
doses, many of these have limited toxicity and are likely to
have minimal interactions with other agents. This, combined
with their diverse mechanisms of action could make them
quite beneficial for inclusion in polydrug treatments.
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