Prevalence of Usual Nutrient Intake Distributions From Food Alone and Total Intake Below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) and Above the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for Folate and Iron for Nonlactating Pregnant Women Aged 20 to 40 Years
Data are from 1003 women participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2014. The EAR is set based on the dietary folate equivalent that includes natural and synthetic forms; the UL is set based on synthetic folic acid form only in fortified foods and dietary supplements (DS). The prevalence of exceeding the UL from food sources alone is 0 for folate and iron among users and nonusers of dietary supplements. The error bars indicate the SEs.
PMC full text:
JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Jun; 2(6): e195967.
Published online 2019 Jun 21.