Table 3

Effects of Supplemental CoQ10 Intake on TNF-α

Meta-Analysis Authors and DateNumber of Studies in Meta-AnalysisNumber of Participants in Meta-AnalysisMedian CoQ10 (intake/d)Median Duration (wk)Main Findings of Meta-Analysis (pg/mL)Q Test P ValueI Statistic %Egger or Begg Test P ValueQuality Assessment and Outcome
Farsi et al 20198348200 mg12↓ 0.44, P < .05.00466NS3/8 high Cochrane
Jorat et al 20193102 CAD150 mg12↑ 0.22, NS.00090NS3/3 high Cochrane
Fan et al 20177277100 mg12↓ 0.49, P = .027.01565NS4/7 high Jadad
Zhai et al 20173125300 mg12↓ 0.45, P < .0001NS0NS2/3 high Cochrane

CAD, coronary artery disease;
CoQ10, coenzyme Q10;
NR, not reported;
NS, not significant;
TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor alpha.