Demographic and pain variables |
Age | 33.76 | 10.72 | |
Race/ethnicity |
% White | | | 80.2 |
% Black or African American | | | 5.9 |
% Other | | | 13.9 |
Sex (% female) | | | 56.3 |
Marital status (% married) | | | 45.9 |
Employment status (% employed) | | | 68.3 |
Education (% college degree) | | | 49.1 |
Pain intensity | 3.45 | 1.95 | |
Pain duration |
Less than 1 year | | | 17.0 |
1 to 4 years | | | 42.1 |
More than 4 years | | | 40.9 |
Pain location (% yes) | | | |
Joints | | | 80.6 |
Back | | | 80.4 |
Headache | | | 64.0 |
Neck | | | 55.2 |
Abdominal | | | 43.5 |
Whole body | | | 29.6 |
Chest | | | 19.0 |
Facial | | | 13.7 |
Mental health variables |
PHQ-9 score | 8.23 | 6.65 | |
PCL score | 38.55 | 17.95 | |
MH composite score | 0.00 | 0.95 | |
NPM use | | | |
Psychotherapy | | | 20.0 |
Educational classes | | | 8.3 |
Psychological treatment | | | 22.6 |
Physical therapy | | | 37.0 |
Exercise instruction or classes | | | 28.5 |
Exercise/movement | | | 50.9 |
Chiropractic | | | 23.5 |
Acupuncture | | | 8.3 |
Massage | | | 42.6 |
Manual | | | 51.7 |
Any of the above | | | 75.9 |
# Of the above (range 0 to 7) | 1.68 | 1.51 | |
Pain medication variables (reported use in the past week) |
Opioid use | | | 20.7 |
Herbal supplement use | | | 16.3 |
Acetaminophen use | | | 42.6 |
NSAID use | | | 62.0 |
Tricyclic use | | | 1.7 |
Muscle relaxant use | | | 8.5 |
Anti-epileptic use | | | 6.1 |
SNRI use | | | 3.7 |
Use of any non-opioid pain medication | | | 72.4 |