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—Means and Standard Deviations or Percentages of Baseline Variables, by Assigned Provider Group

Assigned Provider Group
VariableMedical (n = 340)Chiropractic (n = 341)
Mean SF-36 mental health score (SD)70.1 (16.8)72.5 (16.2)
Mean Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire score (SD)11.1 (5.5)10.8 (5.3)
Mean average pain during past week (SD) 4.6 (1.9) 4.6 (1.9)
Mean age, y (SD)49.3 (16.6)52.6 (16.6)
% with pain for >1 y prior to study4945
% with leg pain5759
% male5046
Education, %
    High school or less2732
    Vocational school or some college3742
    College degree or more3626
Race/ethnicity, %
    Non-Latino White5764
Note. SF-36 = Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey.