Table 3
ANOVAs for pain across a course of chiropractic care at different anatomical locations
Descriptives ANOVA Post-Hoc Pain Region Time Mean (/10) SE (/10) FANOVA dfBa dfWb pANOVA η2p BLc-V5d (/10) BL-DISe (/10) V5-DIS (/10) Cervical Baseline 7.63 0.488 9.47 2 30 <0.001* 0.387 2.51* −2.63* −0.120 Visit 5 5.12 Discharge 5.00 Thoracic Baseline 7.63 0.445 33.0 2 52 <0.001* 0.559 −3.15* −3.11* 0.040 Visit 5 4.48 Discharge 4.52 Lumbar Baseline 8.00 0.384 36.4 2 62 <0.001* 0.540 −2.72* −3.56* −0.840 Visit 5 5.28 Discharge 4.44 Sacroiliac Baseline 8.22 0.375 40.9 2 62 <0.001* 0.569 −2.97* −3.72* −0.750 Visit 5 5.25 Discharge 4.50 Extremities Baseline 7.91 0.455 44.9 2 44 <0.001* 0.671 −3.48* −3.78* −0.300 Visit 5 4.43 Discharge 4.13 aDegrees of freedom between groups.
bDegrees of freedom within groups.
dVisit 5.
*Significant difference (α=0.05)