Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Online

JMPT January 1999 • Volume 22 • Number 1

Dysafferentation: A novel term to describe the neuropathologic effects of joint complex dysfunction—a look at likely mechanisms of symptom generation

To the editor:

I would like to thank Drs Seaman and Winterstein for their efforts at updating neurologic models in which to explain chiropractic subluxation/joint dysfunction.1 However, I would like to take issue with Dr Seaman's belief that dysafferentation from putative joint dysfunction necessarily involves only reduced mechanoreception but provides joint dysfunction. Dr Seaman provides little evidence for his opinion, a point he acknowledges. Most of the evidence cited for the concept of “reduced” mechanoreception comes from motor disturbances, vertigo, and so forth, associated with cervical injury. 1,2 Although it is known that reduction of input from the cervical muscles can cause these symptoms, it has also been shown that stimulation of mechanoreceptors — muscle spindles — can have similar effects. 3,4 For most of the cases Seaman cites, it is not known whether the symptoms were due to decreased or increased mechanoreception.

It has been suggested that because of their extreme density in the intervertebral muscles, muscle spindles are an information-gathering system as complex as vision or audition. 5 Given this complexity, any dysfunction that involves these muscles would, most likely, lead to changes, both increased and decreased, in muscle spindle output (mechanoreception).

A model that would result in increased mechanoreception could be driven by nociception, as Dr Seaman proposes. Activation of nociceptors by injury to a joint generates a reflexive muscle response to guard the joint6; these are termed nocifensive reflexes.7 Contraction of extrafusal muscle unloads associated muscle spindles. 8,9 Loss of spindle Ia and II signal causes increased gamma signals to the spindle, a phenomenon called “automatic gain compensation.”10 Once the nocifensive reflex muscle contraction has abated — injuries heal and nociception is subject to adaptation 7, 11 — this increased gamma gain results in significantly increased spindle Ia and II output. This phenomenon allows for continued (extrafusal) muscle tension 1216 and mostly Ia (with some II) spindle output 12,1619 without the need for continuing nociceptive input. Experiments in cats have shown that in sampled Ia fibers, discharge rates after muscle contraction increased by 60%; a number of these receptors had been silent before the contraction.12

As Bailey and Dick propose in their model for somatic dysfunction (the osteopathic equivalent of chiropractic subluxation/joint dysfunction), perhaps nociceptive reflexes predominate in the acute phase of injury and mechanoreceptor mechanisms in chronic phases.20 A review of PCSD and related phenomenon and a fusimotor model of chronic subluxation/joint dysfunction have been recently proposed.21

Although evidence is limited that loss of mechanoreception, particularly in the cervical spine, causes symptoms, similar symptoms can be induced by mechanoreceptor stimulation. Intervertebral muscle spindles make up a complex information-gathering system, dysfunction of which is equally likely to cause increased as decreased mechanoreception. And finally, joint dysfunction does cause increased muscle spindle-mechanoreceptor output by means of the phenomenon of postcontraction sensory discharge. I would suggest that Seaman's term dysafferentation for the effects of subluxation/joint dysfunction be moderated to include the possibility of both reduced and increased mechanoreceptor discharge.

Gary A. Knutson, DC

840 W 17th, Suite 5, Bloomington, IN 47404


    1.   Seaman DR, Winterstein JF.
    Dysafferentation: A Novel Term to Describe the Neuropathophysiological Effects of Joint Complex Dysfunction.
    A Look at Likely Mechanisms of Symptom Generation

    J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1998 (May); 21 (4): 267-280

    2.  Seaman DR. Joint complex dysfunction, a novel term to replace subluxation/subluxation complex: etiological and treatment considerations. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1997;20:634–44.

    3.  Lund S. Postural effects of neck muscle vibration in man. Experentia 1980;36:1398.

    4.  Biguer B, Donaldson ML, Hein A, Jeannerod M. Neck muscle vibration modifies the representation of visual motion and direction in man. Brain 1988;111:1405–24.

    5.  Bakker DA, Richmond FJR. Muscle spindle complexes in muscles around upper cervical vertebra in the cat. J Neurophysiol 1982;48:62–74.

    6.  Slosberg M. Effects of altered afferent articular input on sensation, proprioception, muscle tone and sympathetic responses. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1988;11:410–8.

    7.  Van Buskirk R. Nociceptive reflexes and the somatic dysfunction: a model. J Am Osteopath Assoc 1990;90:792–809.

    8.  Davidoff RA. Skeletal muscle tone and the misunderstood stretch reflex. Neurology 1992;42:951–63.

    9.  Hunt CC, Kuffler SW. Stretch receptor discharges during muscle contraction. J Physiol 1951;113:298–315.

    10.  Matthews PBC. Observations on the automatic compensation of reflex gain varying the pre-existing level of motor discharge in man. J Physiol 1986;374:73–90.

    11.  Ruch TC. Pathophysiology of pain. In: Ruch T, Patton HD, editors. Physiology and biophysics: the brain and neural function. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1979. p. 272–324.

    12.  Smith JL, Hutton RS, Eldred E. Postcontraction changes in sensitivity of muscle afferents to static and dynamic stretch. Brain Res 1974;78:193–202.

    13.  Enoka RM, Hutton RS, Eldred E. Changes in excitability of tendon tap and Hoffman reflexes following voluntary contractions. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1980;48:664–72.

    14.  Hutton RS, Smith JL, Eldred E. Persisting changes in sensory and motor activity of a muscle following its reflexive activation. Pflugers Arch 1975;336:327–36.

    15.  Hagbarth KE, Macefield VG. The fusimotor system. Adv Exp Med Biol 1995;384:259–70.

    16.  Gregory JE, Mark FR, Morgan DL, Patak A, Polus B, Proske U. Effects of muscle history on the stretch reflex in cat and man. J Physiol 1990;424:93–107.

    17.  Hutton RS, Smith JL, Eldred E. Postcontraction sensory discharge from muscle and its source. J Neurophysiol 1973; 36:1090–103.

    18.  Hutton RS, Atwater SW. Acute and chronic adaptations of muscle proprioceptors in response to increased use. Sports Med 1992;14:406–21.

    19.  Baumann TK, Hullinger M. The dependence of the response of cat spindle Ia afferents to sinusoidal stretch on the velocity of concomitant movement. J Physiol 1991;439:325–50.

    20.  Bailey M, Dick L. Nociceptive considerations in treating with counterstrain. J Am Osteopath Assoc 1992;92(3):334–41.

    21.  Knutson G. Long term postural distortion and reaction to vectored atlas adjustment: case studies and fusiomotor model for chronic subluxation. Chiropract Res J. Submitted for publication.