The Task Force and Secretariat acknowledges with gratitude the accountablefinancial contribution of the Société d'Assurance Automobiledu Québec. We particularly appreciate their respect for scientificindependence and arm's length approach throughout the life of the TaskForce.
This Scientific Monograph and the Official Report of theQuebec Task Force on Whiplash-Associated Disorders was prepared with thesecretarial assistance of Ms. Diane Gaudreau, Ms. Lee-Ann Figsby and Ms.Vicky Anning. We want to especially acknowledge the skill and dedicationof our Administrative Secretary, Diane Gaudreau. In addition to managingthe production of the Scientific Monograph and Official Reportin French and English, she demonstrated immense organizational skill, efficiencyand diplomacy in dealing with complicated schedules, meetings and TaskForce members on both sides of the ocean.