Gout Medication: Nutrient Depletion Checklist

Nutrient Depletion Checklist:

Gout Medication

         From the April 2001 Issue of Nutrition Science News



Potential Depletion



Lower immunity, reduced antioxidant protection



Edema, fatique, irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness



Dehydration, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, poor concentration


Vitamin B12

Anemia, increased cardiovascular disease risk, tiredness, weakness

The scientific basis for this information is from published studies using these drugs or drugs from the same pharmacological class. Advise customers to ask their doctor or pharmacist if any of their medications can cause nutrient depletions.

Reprinted with permission from Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook (Lexi-Comp, 1999) by Ross Pelton, Ph.D., C.N.; James B. LaValle, N.D., C.N., D.H.M.; Ernest B. Hawkins; and Daniel L. Krinsky.

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Since 4-01-2001