A Three-Dimensional Model of the Myo-Dural Connection

This section was compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
Send all comments or additions to:

Gary Hack, D.D.S.

University of Maryland Dental School


Dr. Hack's recent postulation of a muscle-dural connection responsible for producing headaches, already the subject of a landmark publication in the 1998 Medical and Health Annual of the Encyclopedia Britannica, is to be further developed by the construction of a three-dimensional model in consultation with an engineering company. This model will incorporate the use of 3-D glasses in order to visualize the myo-dural connection that will be created from the Visible Human Project data sets recently made available from the National Institutes of Health. In addition to forming the centerpiece of a poster to be presented to the Association of Neurological Surgeons, this model should help to further develop a functional biomechanical model with particular attention to the effects of chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Hack's work provides an excellent example how the health care professions may successfully collaborate, as recent surgical findings have shown that scar tissue forming between cervical muscles and the dura produces an increse in headache. Models and observations such as these have had considerable impact in promoting understanding from the medical community as to how cervical manipulation may be effective in the management of headache. With such undertanding comes ultimate acceptance.

from FCER's Page http://www.fcer.org/html/Research/Grants/0399.HTM


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