Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2010 (Jan); 235 (1): 66–76 ~ FULL TEXT
Vadim Aksenov, Jiangang Long, Sonali Lokuge, Jane A Foster, Jiankang Liu and C David Rollo
Department of Biology,
McMaster University
1280 Main St W,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Aging degrades motivation, cognition, sensory modalities and physical capacities, essentially dimming zestful living. Bradykinesis (declining physical movement) is a highly reliable biomarker of aging and mortality risk. Mice fed a complex dietary supplement (DSP) designed to ameliorate five mechanisms associated with aging showed no loss of total daily locomotion compared with >50% decrement in old untreated mice. This was associated with boosted striatal neuropeptide Y, reversal of age-related declines in mitochondrial complex III activity in brain and amelioration of oxidative stress (brain protein carbonyls).
Supplemented mice expressed approximately 50% fewer mitochondrial protein carbonyls per unit of complex III activity. Reduction of free radical production by mitochondria may explain the exceptional longevity of birds and dietary restricted animals and no DSP is known to impact this mechanism. Functional benefits greatly exceeded the modest longevity increases documented for supplemented normal mice.
Regardless, for aging humans maintaining zestful health and performance into later years may provide greater social and economic benefits than simply prolonging lifespan. Although identifying the role of specific ingredients and interactions remains outstanding, results provide proof of principle that complex dietary cocktails can powerfully ameliorate biomarkers of aging and modulate mechanisms considered ultimate goals for aging interventions.
Keywords : aging, locomotion, mitochondria, protein carbonyls, neuropeptide Y, free radicals, energy regulation, growth
hormone, mice, dietary supplement
From the FULL TEXT Article:
Declining locomotor activity with age (bradykinesis) is universal
from nematodes to insects to vertebrates. [1–8] In man,
declining activity contributes to ‘metabolic syndrome’,
and in advanced years, frailty. Metabolic syndrome (high
abdominal fat, insulin resistance, hypertension, arteriosclerosis
and elevated free radical processes) afflicts ~50% of North
Americans >60 years of age. [9] Associated risks include type II
diabetes, stroke, heart attack and cancer. [8, 10] Declining motor
function also correlates with disability risk. [11] Frailty, a
leading cause of mortality and institutionalization, afflicts
37% or more for those over 85 years. [12] Deteriorating neurotransmitter
systems mediating arousal and activity (particularly
in the nigrostriatum and cerebellum) is a primary
cause. [8, 13, 14] Aging skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular
systems also contribute but exercise may be offsetting. [5, 6, 15]
We developed a dietary supplement (DSP) targeting five
key mechanisms of aging (oxidative stress, inflammation,
mitochondrial function, insulin resistance and membrane
integrity) [16] and tested it on normal mice (Nr) and transgenic
growth hormone mice (Tg) that show greatly reduced motor
activity. The growth hormone axis modulates aging [17–19]
and Tg express elevated free radical processes in brain [17, 20]
and accelerated aging. [18, 19, 21] The DSP abolished age-related
declines in Tg cognition, extended longevity (Nr ~11% and
Tg ~28%) and offset radiation-induced apoptosis and DNA
damage in both genotypes. [16, 22–24]
Here we report impacts of the DSP on motor function and
the first results addressing impacts on mitochondria. The
most dramatic impacts were in Nr mice. Typical of aging,
the oldest untreated Nr mice showed >50% reduction in
locomotion compared with their youth (~3 h/day less
movement). This was paralleled by loss of mitochondrial
complex III activity and elevated protein carbonylation
in brain homogenates. Mitochondria, and particularly
complex III activity, are highlighted in aging and free
radical generation and protein carbonyls are a recognized
biomarker of free radical stress. The DSP abolished declines
in daily locomotion in association with increased mitochondrial
complex III activity and reduced protein carbonyls in
brain homogenates. The DSP reduced the ratio of mitochondrial
carbonyls to complex III activity by ~50% in both
genotypes, indicating that effective ingredients crossed
the blood–brain barrier and penetrated mitochondria. We
further considered that alterations in motor activity would
involve striatum, and that growth hormones might act on
striatal somatostatin neurons known to co-express neuropeptide
Y (NPY) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS). We had
a sensitive probe for NPY mRNA and consequently
applied it in the striatum and cortex. Significant increases
in NPY mRNA were found in supplemented Nr mice, but
growth hormone (GH) transgenesis had no impact.
The cause(s) and amelioration of aging remain controversial,
particularly with regard to DSPs. [25–29] Our results approach
dietary restriction for functional biomarkers of behavior, neurochemistry,
mitochondria and oxidative stress. Functional
benefits greatly exceeded the 11% lifespan extension obtained
for supplemented Nr mice. [22] Prolonging youthful function in
populations with expanding elderly complements, however,
may be of greater value than simply extending decrepit
lifespans. The DSP strongly ameliorated normal functional
aging and is likely to benefit age-associated pathologies.
Moreover, supplements do not require drastic dieting or
induction of states mimicking diapause or dwarfism.
Materials and methods
Animals and diets
Table 1
Breeding and husbandry of random bred C57BL/6J*SJL Nr
and Tg mice were previously described. [16, 30] Protocols
adhered to Canada Council on Animal Care guidelines. Our
DSP contained 30 ingredients available without prescription
(Table 1). Dosages were derived from recommended human
doses adjusted for body size and the 10-fold higher metabolic
rate of mice. [16] A slurry of the DSP was soaked onto small
pieces of bagel. Mice from the breeding colony were randomly
assigned at weaning and for life to either the DSP treatment
group (one dose/day) or remained untreated. Bagel bits
were avidly eaten ensuring accurate dosing. Nr and Tg mice
in appropriate age ranges were randomly selected from
control and supplemented populations for various assays.
Behavioral assessment
Figure 1
The duration of total daily movement was assessed in transparent
acrylic arenas. Four inter-connected chambers contained a
running wheel, a jar with nesting material, a food dish or water
bottle. [31] Mice were acclimated for 48 h (12 h light:12 h dark
photoperiod) then individually videotaped for 24 h with an
infrared-sensitive camera. [31] Each mouse was used only once.
Groups consisted of nine supplemented and nine untreated
Nr male mice ~three to 30 months old, and 11 supplemented
and 11 untreated male Tg mice ~3–15 months old. Mice were
screened for health, vision and auditory responsiveness.
Duration moving about the arena, wheel running and climbing
on the roof were counted at one second intervals over 24 h, and
then added to obtain duration of total daily movement. Each
point in Figure 1 is one mouse.
Neuropeptide Y
DSP impacts on motor activity were likely to involve striatum
which contains somatostatin neurons likely to be
affected in Tg. We had a sensitive probe for NPY which is
colocalized with somatostatin in striatum so we quantified
NPY in striatum and cortex. Samples were obtained from
eight supplemented and five untreated Nr female mice
(5–25 months old) and six supplemented and eight
untreated Tg females (5–15 months old). Mice were decapitated
during the mid-photophase; brains were removed on
ice and immediately placed in isopentane (–60°C) for 5 s
and stored at –80°C.
Two coronal brain slices (10 µm thick and 100 µm apart)
were obtained by cryostat at Bregma 0.9832 and thaw mounted
onto gelatin-coated slides. NPY ribonucleotide
antisense probes labeled with 35S radioisotope were
applied. [33, 34] Slide-mounted sections were fixed in 4% formaldehyde
in phosphate-buffered saline, acetylated with
0.25% acetic anhydride in 0.1 mol/L triethanolamine-HCl
(pH 8.0), dehydrated in increasing concentrations of
ethanol and delipidated with chloroform. Tissue sections
were hybridized (approximately 500,000 counts per
minute (CPM)/section) for 18 h at 55°C in a humidified
chamber with radiolabeled riboprobe diluted in hybridization
buffer (0.6 mol/L NaCl, 10 mmol/L Tris pH 8.0,
1 mmol/L ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) pH 8.0,
10% dextran sulfate, 0.01% sheared salmon sperm DNA,
0.5% total yeast RNA, type XI, 0.01% yeast transfer RNA
and 1x Denhardt’s solution). Slides were washed in
20 µg/mL ribonuclease solution for 30 min to reduce nonspecific
binding followed by 1 h each in 2x saline sodium
citrate (SSC) at 50°C, 0.2x SSC at 55°C and 0.2x SSC at
60°C. Slides were dehydrated through a graded series of
ethanol and air dried for auto-radiography. Hybridization
of target tissues with an S35-labeled sense probe showed
no signal, confirming specificity.
Slides were exposed to film in X-ray cassettes (Kodak
BioMax MRw film, Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY, USA)
and developed for 18 h. All slides were processed in the
same in situ hybridization experiment with the same
probe and with film in adjacent cassettes at the same time.
Images were digitized using a Qicam® camera. NPY
mRNA density was represented as grayscale images
(ImageJw software). For statistical analyses samples from
whole brain, striatum and a 300 x 300 pixel sample of
cortex were averaged from two consecutive slices to obtain
the best estimate of NPY mRNA density.
Mitochondrial complex III activity
Different mice were used for mitochondrial and behavioral
studies. Brains were removed on ice and stored at –80°C.
Mitochondria were prepared by Paula’s method [35] and
complex III activity was determined as described in Sun
et al. [36] Numbers per group (male mice) were as follows:
untreated Tg, eight; supplemented Tg, 11; untreated Nr,
10; and supplemented Nr, 11. Briefly, complex III activity
was measured in a mixture containing 250 mmol/L
sucrose, 1 mmol/L EDTA, 50 mmol/L KPi, 2 mmol/L
KCN, 50 µmol/L cytochrome c, and 0.1% bovine serum
albumin (with pH adjusted to 6.5 to reduce auto-oxidation
of reduced CoQ1). The reaction was initiated with 40 µg/mL
brain mitochondria and 50 µmol/L reduced CoQ1 (final
concentration) and increased absorption at 550 nm was
recorded for 2 min.
Slot-blot assays of carbonyls in brain homogenates and mitochondria
Protein carbonyls were measured by slot-blot [37] and relative
density was obtained via optical scans. Measurements were
made for both brain homogenates and the mitochondrial
fraction. Carbonyl assays were from the same brains used
for complex III assessment.
Statistical analyses
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) (age as covariate) was
applied to assess impacts of genotype and diet. A multiple
slopes model was employed as appropriate. ANOVA was
used where age was not significant. Although genotypes
were compared where appropriate, Nr and Tg mice were
largely analyzed separately because different trends
between genotypes otherwise reduced resolution. Post hoc
comparisons employed Student–Newman–Keuls (SNK)
tests as appropriate. Age-related trends were also characterized
with linear and polynomial regression. Where applicable,
planned comparisons were carried out with subsets
of data divided into younger (<450 days) or older
(>450 days) mice. A dividing point of 450 days best captured
the very oldest ages of Tg and middle aged Nr. All
data are described as means ± standard error. Where age
was a covariate, means were calculated for a common age
across groups. Analyses were performed with Statistica®
Total daily movement
Nr mice were much more active than Tg (pooled Nr versus
pooled Tg data: P < 0.001). The DSP had dissimilar agerelated
effects on genotypes and reduced longevity of Tg
was also apparent (Figure 1). Activity was elevated in
both genotypes but especially in older Nr mice. In Tg,
however, activity was higher in youth (Figure 1).
Consequently, Nr and Tg were analyzed separately.
For Nr, bradykinesis progressed from the youngest ages
of untreated mice resulting in >50% decline in activity by
24 months of age (Figure 1, regression: P< 0.006). The
DSP elevated activity of Nr mice at all ages and virtually
abolished bradykinesis (Figure 1, regression: P = 0.702). At
24 months, activity of supplemented Nr was ~3 h/day
longer than untreated Nr. This reflected that untreated Nr
activity was ~66% of supplemented Nr mice at 24 months
(Figure 1). Regressions for Nr groups differed significantly
in intercepts (P< 0.00001) and slopes differed marginally
(untreated b = –7.55; supplemented b = –1.15; P = 0.08).
Variance suggests that slopes would be better resolved
with a larger sample size. Since slopes were only marginally
resolved, we applied both multiple- and same-slope models
of ANCOVA (covariate = age). Significant differences for
treatment were obtained with either approach (same-slope
ANCOVA: df = 15, P< 0.003; separate-slope ANCOVA:
df = 14, P< 0.014). Thus, the most conservative estimate
resolved a highly significant impact of the DSP on duration
of daily movement in Nr mice (P< 0.014).
Untreated Tg expressed chronically low activity across all
ages (comparable to 30 months old untreated Nr). At four
months, supplemented Tg were ~45% more active than
untreated Tg. The subsequent decline in activity for supplemented
Tg (slope = –13.17, P< 0.006) was much
steeper than for untreated Nr (slope = –7.553) and by 13
months (senescence for Tg) supplemented and untreated
Tg were equally hypoactive (Figure 1). Regression lines for
Tg groups differed significantly in intercepts (P< 0.00001)
and slopes (untreated slope = 21.30; supplemented
slope = –13.17; P< 0.05). Separate slopes ANCOVA
resolved a significant impact of the DSP (P< 0.015).
Total locomotion encompassed all measures of movement
including exercise. Exercise duration did decline with age,
but remained higher in supplemented Nr mice across all
ages (data not shown). Reductions in bouts of intense
activity were offset by increases in moderate movement
such that duration of total locomotion remained constant
with age (Figure 1).
Neuropeptide Y mRNA
Figure 2
Figure 2 text
Improved motor function of supplemented mice was associated
with enhanced expression of NPY mRNA throughout
striatum and cortex (Figure 2). Differences in intensity,
size and number of foci between supplemented and
untreated Nr were visually striking (Figure 2) and
ANCOVA (separate slopes model) detected significant
impacts of the DSP in whole brain (P< 0.041), striatum
(P< 0.04) and cortex (P< 0.016) of Nr. In all three brain
regions age-related increases in NPY mRNA were statistically
resolved in supplemented Nr (linear regression:
whole brain: r = 0.733, P< 0.039; striatum: r = 0.719, P<
0.044; cortex: r = 0.796, P< 0.018; n = 8) but no pattern
was detected in untreated Nr (linear regression: all brain
regions: P > 0.25). Slopes for supplemented Nr differed
significantly from corresponding controls (whole brain:
P< 0.038; striatum: P< 0.028; cortex: P< 0.009). Changes
paralleled increasing mitochondrial complex III activity in
aging supplemented Nr mice (see Figure 3).
Although sample sizes were small, comparison of the
oldest three Nr mice in each treatment (all >450 days old)
indicated that NPY was 23% higher in the cortex of
supplemented Nr (supplemented: 64.8 ± 6.0 relative units;
untreated: 49.9 ± 6.2 relative units, n = 6, P< 0.04). A
similar trend for Tg was not statistically resolved. NPY
mRNA did not differ significantly between Nr and Tg.
Brain mitochondrial complex III activity
Figure 3 A
Figure 3 B text
Nr and Tg showed similar changes in complex III activity
with age and supplementation (Figures 3a and b). Patterns
of complex III activity with age had diametrically opposite
slopes between supplemented and untreated mice. A
general linear model (separate slopes) detected a powerful
effect of the DSP (P< 0.001) and an age x DSP x genotype
interaction (P< 0.004). Reciprocal slopes for complex III
activity in supplemented versus untreated Nr mice were
each statistically resolved and they significantly differed
(untreated: slope = –0.015; supplemented: slope = 0.015,
P< 0.00034). Such complexity meant that, depending on
age, the supplement had negative (youth), neutral
(one-year-old) or positive (older mice) impacts on complex
III activity relative to controls. Moreover, overall means
did not reflect the remarkable degree of impact.
We expected that complex III would reflect ATP availability
likely to contribute to levels of striatal and motor
activity. Complex III activity in untreated Nr mice declined
over 24 months to 46% of young mice, closely parallel to
bradykinesis (compare Figures 1 and 3a). Supplemented
Nr mice showed a linear 56% gain in complex III activity
from 2 to 24 months of age. At ~24 months supplemented
Nr mice had 85% more complex III activity than untreated
Nr. Although mitochondrial function was elevated in old
supplemented Nr compared with controls, complex III
activity was relatively reduced in young supplemented Nr
(Figure 3a). Thus, despite close association of complex III
activity with locomotor declines in untreated Nr, supplemented
Nr mice maintained constantly high motor
activity that did not reflect rising activity of complex III
(Figure 1). Thus, there was no simple relationship between
complex III activity and behavior.
Trends in Tg complex III activity were very similar to Nr
mice (Figure 3b). Regression slopes were only marginally
resolved (untreated slope = –0.020; supplemented: slope = 0.012, P = 0.057), but suggests that impacts of the DSP were similar in both genotypes. Overall complex III activity,
however, was lower than in Nr mice (reflecting an age x DSP x genotype interaction, P< 0.029). Comparison of
mean complex III activity indicated that overall activity in
Tg was ~20% lower than in Nr mice (Tg = 16.42 ± 0.96
versus Nr = 20.29 ± 0.90 ng cytochrome c/min/mg protein).
Although low complex III activity is consistent with low
Tg locomotion, elevated motor activity in young supplemented
Tg (Figure 1) was associated with relatively
lower complex III activity, similar to the pattern seen in
supplemented Nr.
Protein carbonyls in brain homogenates
Table 2
Figure 4
Supplemented Nr mice had 28% less protein carbonyls in
brain homogenates than untreated Nr (P< 0.048; Table 2),
but carbonyls showed no age-related trends in either Nr
groups. The levels of carbonyls in untreated Nr mice were
~30% lower than those of untreated Tg, but this did not
achieve significance (Table 2). Supplemented Tg also
showed a non-significant trend for reduced carbonylation
in brain homogenates compared with untreated Tg
(~15%; Table 2).
Combining all Tg revealed a ‘U’-shaped pattern of
homogenate carbonyls with elevations in youth (under
150 days old) and (especially) in mice older than 400 days
(Figure 4). Tg carbonyls exponentially increased beyond
an age of 400–450 days (Figure 4) corresponding to the
period of rapid die-off. In light of these complex aging patterns,
we selected a subset of data restricted to Nr and Tg
mice older than 450 days. This statistically resolved the
exceptional increases in homogenate carbonyls in senescing
Tg (3947.6 ± 743.5 relative units) compared with stable carbonyl
levels in aging Nr mice that were nearly 50% lower
(2070.0 ± 128.5: t-test, P< 0.006).
Mitochondrial protein carbonyls
Although age-related trends were apparent in mitochondrial
protein carbonyls, no groups were statistically
resolved. For Nr mice, however, pooling treatments
resolved a significant linear regression of mitochondrial carbonyls
with age (r = 0.5595, n = 17, P< 0.02). Age-related
changes in carbonyls were further confirmed by separating
pooled Nr data into young (<450 days old) and older
(.450 days old) categories. Young Nr had mitochondrial
carbonyls (2085 ± 403) of only 34% of those observed in
older Nr mice (6095 ± 1003, P< 0.0015). Increased mitochondrial
carbonyls in aged Nr mice resembled the rapid
late-life rise in Tg homogenate carbonyls, although not as
severe. In contrast, untreated Tg expressed a trend for
age-related decline in mitochondrial carbonyls. Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) did not resolve an impact of genotype
on mitochondrial protein carbonyls, but the DSP had a
very powerful effect (P< 0.0088). This was especially
apparent in Tg where supplemented mice had carbonyl
levels only ~47% of those of untreated Tg (P< 0.0073)
(Table 2). Nr supplemented mice had carbonyl levels only
64% of untreated Nr but this was not resolved.
Comparing protein carbonyls across the lifetime of genotypes
(see Table 2) obscures the enormity of early oxidative
stress in untreated Tg. Thus, analysis of lifetime data did not
differentiate genotype, but when the analysis was limited
to mice younger than 450 days, highly significant impacts
of genotype (P< 0.0039) and a genotype x diet interaction
(ANOVA, P< 0.0014) emerged. SNK resolved a 2.4-fold
elevation of mitochondrial protein carbonyls in untreated
Tg (6026 ± 591 relative units) compared with supplemented
Tg (2501 ± 639) or either group of Nr (i.e. all three latter
groups were at least 60% lower than untreated Tg).
Figure 5
The relationship of mitochondrial activity to oxidative stress
is critically related to aging. Consequently, we examined mitochondrial
protein carbonyls in relation to complex III activity
via regression analyses. Untreated Tg expressed strong
increases in mitochondrial carbonyls with increasing complex
III activity, whereas insignificant trends in supplemented Tg
and either Nr group were neutral or declining. A first-order
polynomial found that ~80% of the variance (r2 = 0.828, P<
0.012) in untreated Tg carbonyls was explained by complex
III activity. [38] The strength of this result suggests that this
mechanism explains accelerated aging of Tg (Figure 5).
To further explore oxidative stress relative to complex III
activity, we divided mitochondrial carbonyls by complex III
activity to obtain a composite variable. An Arcsine(Sqrt) transformation
corrected for ratio-scale data. [38] ANOVA did not
resolve genotype but diet proved significant (P< 0.028). The
relative proportion of carbonyls associated with mitochondrial
complex III activity was reduced by 52% and 54% in supplemented
Nr and Tg mice, respectively – virtually identical.
For untreated Tg, reduction of carbonyls per unit of mitochondrial
activity by the DSP was greater at higher levels of
complex III activity. At highest complex III activity carbonyls
in supplemented Tg were only 20% of untreated Tg (Figure 5).
Total locomotion
Bradykinesis is evident in 1-year-old mice and 20-year-old
humans, [39, 40] but supplemented Nr mice showed no
decline even at 24 months (Figure 1). Declines in untreated
Nr began in youth and progressed to >50% loss of activity
by 24 months (Figure 1, regression: P< 0.006). We know of
no other treatment that ameliorates bradykinesis to this
degree. Improved motor function in aging may be obtained
by dietary restriction [2, 7, 41] or exercise (especially if coupled
with N-acetyl cysteine and creatine). [15, 42] Flavinoids, antioxidants,
[14, 43–45] L-deprenyl (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) [46, 47]
and environmental enrichment [26] are also beneficial.
L-DOPA increases locomotion in conditions of depleted
dopamine (DA). [8]
Rats supplemented with α-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine
showed 30% declines in activity in aged rats compared
with 70% loss in controls. [1, 48, 49] Locomotion of young
rats was increased by ~32%. [50] Our DSP abolished age-related
declines and boosted activity of young mice (Figure 1). The
DSP ameliorated but did not prevent declines in intense
exercise implicating cardio-skeletal-muscular competence.
Thus, further benefit might be obtained by exercise. [8, 42]
Despite amelioration of bradykinesis, mitochondrial function,
oxidative damage and neurotransmitter declines, the
DSP only extended Nr longevity by a modest 11%. [22]
Female mice selected for high activity expressed deferred
senescence but accelerated late mortality. [4] Alternatively,
long-lived Drosophila ‘Methuselah’ mutants express oxidative
stress resistance but no improvement in bradykinesis. [51] This resembles Tg where the supplement increased
activity only in youth (Figure 1) despite amelioration of cognitive
aging and a 28% increase in longevity. [16, 22] Dietary
restriction benefits Drosophila in early life but negatively
impact late-life stress resistance. [52] Similarly, acetyl-Lcarnitine
improved cognition and survivorship but not
age-related sensory–motor deficits in rats. [53] Increased longevity
of dwarf rats via GH manipulation was also
accompanied by functional impairments. [54] Thus, aging
functions are somewhat dissociable from one another and
longevity. [7, 51, 52, 55, 56]
Neuropeptide Y mRNA
NPY is co-localized in striatal interneurons with somatostatin
and neuronal NOS. [57–59] We applied NPY mRNA as a biomarker
for these neurons since NPY regulates foraging [60]
and is altered in Parkinson’s disease. [61] The DSP strongly
altered NPY mRNA (Figure 2). Similar increases occur in
number, size and intensity of foci of somatostatin stimulated
by GH excess in the hypothalamus [62] but NPY showed no
alterations in Tg here. Bradykinesis is associated with
declines in DA [8] and parallel loss of striatal NPY. [63] DA
neurons are susceptible to oxidative stress which the DSP
reduces. [8, 64] Striatal DA of Tg is ~40% that of Nr, which
undoubtedly contributes to hypoactivity. [30] Striatal DA and
NPY neurons are closely associated and NPY regulates
DA synthesis and release. [65, 66] The broad distribution of
NPY/NOS foci (Figure 2) could facilitate nitric oxide (NO)
release mediating general arousal and waking. [57, 58]
NO inhibits DA reuptake, elevating extracellular DA. [59, 67]
NO promotes motor activity and can contribute to hyperactivity. [68, 69] Elevation of blood flow and metabolism by
NO could also be important in aging. [70]
Mitochondrial complex III activity
Declining mitochondrial function is a biomarker of aging
implicated in free radical generation. [29, 41, 48, 71, 72] Complex
III activity in brains of old mice falls to ~60% of youthful
levels [73] and was 46% of youth in untreated Nr at 24
months. In contrast, supplemented Nr showed remarkable
56% gains in complex III activity from 2 to 24 months of
age. Tg had ~20% lower complex III activity than Nr
(overall), and although complex III activity rose in supplemented
Tg, levels did not exceed those of old untreated
Nr (compare Figures 3a and b).
The DSP increased mitochondrial activity but reduced
free radical processes relative to complex III activity (see
below). Increased ATP would support functionality of
aging mice. Oddly, the DSP lowered complex III activity
in young mice (Figure 3), suggesting greater benefits at
older ages. Mitochondrial status in youth can influence
later-life functions however, [74] so benefits of youthful
supplementation to older ages requires assessment.
Homogenate protein carbonyls
Protein carbonyls reflect oxidative damage associated with
enzyme dysfunction, protein accumulation, cellular
inclusions, extracellular deposits, neurodegeneration and
aging. [37] Oxidative stress generally increases with age
although most studies do not separate cytosolic and mitochondrial
compartments. The DSP reduced homogenate
carbonyls in Nr but age-related trends were absent
(Figure 4). We documented increasing superoxide radical
and lipid peroxidation with age in Tg and Nr mice, [20]
suggesting that constant carbonyls in Nr homogenate
likely reflects sustained proteosome function.
Although GH can ameliorate some symptoms of
aging, considerable evidence suggests GH accelerates
aging. [17–19, 21, 75, 76] Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and
insulin signaling via the PI3K pathway modulate aging
and many models of life extension (e.g. dwarf mice)
express reduced PI3K signaling. Growth factors signal via
free radicals and chronic low radiation stimulates
growth. [76] GH, insulin and IGF-1 are elevated in Tg and
IGF-1 regulates other growth factors. [17, 76, 77] Oxidative
stress and accelerated aging of Tg20 are consistent with the
free radical theory.
Protein carbonyls in Tg homogenates expressed a ‘U’
shaped pattern with the highest levels in youth and old age.
Beyond ~400 days carbonyls rose precipitously (Figure 4),
even though some mitochondrial measures were lowest at
these ages. Free radicals in Tg homogenate may involve extramitochondrial
sources like NAD(P)H oxidase or low ATP
may compromise the proteosome. Accumulation of oxidized/
inactivated proteins is a reliable biomarker (and possible
mechanism) of aging. Carbonyls negatively correlate
with cognitive and motor functions in aging rodents and
protein accumulation in aged gerbil brain were cleared by
an antioxidant that restored youthful functions. [43, 78] Aging
is linked to capacities for repair and turnover such as
autophagy, lysosomal function and proteosome activity. [79]
Aging mice exhibit increases in oxidized cysteine and ubiquinated
proteins whereas long-lived mole rats maintain proteosome
function and forestall bradykinesis for >20 years. [80]
Reversibly oxidized cysteine residues and ATP regulate
enzymes and signaling cascades, so ATP shortfalls and oxidative
stress in old Tg (Figure 4) would synergistically
disrupt cell functions and energy balance. [8, 81, 82]
Tg show constitutively elevated DNA damage as indicated
by γH2AX foci and 8-oxodG levels as well as hypersensitivity
to radiation-induced DNA damage and
apoptosis. [23, 24] Knockdown of MTH1, the main sanitizing
substrate for 8-oxodG (and oxidized ATP) induces replicative
senescence and DNA damage even if free radicals, antioxidants
and mitochondrial activity are unaltered. Thus, the
nucleotide pool is also a major target of oxidation. [83]
Mitochondrial protein carbonyls
Reduction of mitochondrial carbonyls by the DSP indicates
penetration of the blood–brain barrier and mitochondria
(Table 2, P< 0.009), key goals of aging interventions. [84–86]
Catalase expressed in mitochondria extended longevity of
mice by ~17%.87 The DSP reduced carbonyls by ~36%
and ~53% in Nr and Tg, respectively. This was statistically
resolved for Tg (P< 0.008) but not for Nr mice (Table 2).
Rising carbonyls and declining complex III activity in old
untreated Nr (Figure 3a) suggest reduced ATP production
potentially impacting numerous functions. In supplemented
Nr, increased metabolic rate as reflected in higher physical
(Figure 1) and mitochondrial activity (Figure 3) likely
offset the degree of free radical reductions and limited
gains in lifespan to 11%.
Differences in mitochondrial carbonyls between untreated
Tg and Nr groups were not resolved across lifetimes partly
because increases in carbonyls (Table 2) occurred at different
ages. When analysis was limited to mice <450 days
old strong genotype (P< 0.004), and genotype x diet interactions
(ANOVA, P< 0.0015) emerged. SNK found
untreated Tg (6026 ± 591 relative units) differed from
other groups that all had at least 60% fewer carbonyls
(2501 ± 639 relative units or less).
Age-related trends in mitochondrial carbonyls were not
significant in either Nr group, but regression analysis of
pooled data did detect increases with age (n = 17, r = 0.559, P< 0.02). Dividing mice into those younger or older
than 450 days showed that carbonyls in youth were only
34% of older mice (P< 0.0017). Untreated Tg expressed
high levels of mitochondrial carbonyls (Table 2), but these
occurred in youth (unlike Nr). Lowest levels occurred in
old Tg with low complex III activity. Early elevation of
GH, anabolism and oxidative stress may reduce subsequent
ATP availability and accelerate aging of Tg. [17, 18, 75, 76]
Youthful elevation of carbonyls in untreated Tg was
associated with highest complex III activity (Figure 3).
Overall, however, Tg complex III activity was ~20% lower
than age-matched Nr. Even the highest Tg complex III
activity fell in the Nr range despite being associated with
high mitochondrial carbonyls. Further analyses revealed
that untreated Tg mitochondria are associated with exceptional
levels of protein carbonyls that dramatically rise
with increasing complex III activity (Figure 5, r = 0.91).
Extra-mitochondrial sources of free radicals88 or diversion
of energy away from longevity assurance mechanisms
could also contribute. [75]
In some circumstances high mitochondrial activity can
generate low levels of free radicals, thereby increasing
ATP production without accelerating aging. [15, 72, 89–91]
Reduced oxidative stress relative to mitochondrial activity
contributes to exceptional lifespans of birds or dietary
restricted rodents. [17, 76] ANOVA of the ratio of mitochondrial
carbonyls to complex III activity showed that the DSP
reduced the ratio from 311.3 ± 45.9 relative units in
untreated to 166.2 ± 40.8 for supplemented mice (i.e. supplemented
Nr and Tg generated ~50% fewer carbonyls
per unit of complex III activity; P, 0.021). For the highest
complex III activity in Tg, the DSP reduced carbonyls
by a remarkable 80% (Figure 5), increased longevity by
28% [22] and elevated youthful locomotion (Figure 1).
Supplemented Tg still died earlier than Nr, however,
and their bradykinesis progressed rapidly (Figure 1).
Alternatively, increased complex III activity and reduced
carbonylation per unit of complex III activity in supplemented
Nr likely explains how both functional gains
and modestly increased longevity were obtained.
Divergence of homogenate versus mitochondrial carbonyls
If mitochondria are the main source of free radicals then
cytosolic and mitochondrial oxidative stress should be correlated. [92–94] Instead, age-related patterns of carbonyls in
homogenate and mitochondria strongly differed (Table 2,
Figures 4 and 5). Homogenates included mitochondria so
estimates of divergence are conservative. Homogenate carbonyls
were ~63% of those in mitochondria overall (P< 0.012, t-test), but there was no correlation between homogenate
and mitochondrial levels (r = 0.06, P > 0.05). Even
reduction of mitochondrial carbonyls in supplemented Tg
by ~50% was not reflected in homogenate (Figure 4,
Table 2). Caenorhabditis elegans also shows increased carbonyls
with age in the mitochondria, but not in the cytoplasm, [28]
whereas long-lived MCKL1 mice express elevated oxidative
stress in the mitochondria but reductions in the cytosol. [95]
Cytosolic sources of free radicals may also be important.
Thus, angiotensin II (a model for growth factor signaling)
generates waves of free radicals derived from NAD(P)H
oxidase and NOS. Resulting oxidative stress can derive
mitochondrial DNA damage, mitochondrial free radical
generation and ultimately, apoptosis. Thus, growth factor
signaling can damage mitochondria and compromise
energy production. [88]
Bradykinesis is an excellent aging biomarker since it is
linked to metabolic rate, feeding, fat storage, brain neurotransmitters,
cardiovascular and skeletal–muscular systems
and mitochondria. A linkage to brain PI3K signaling is also
suggested by knockout of insulin receptor substrate-2 (a
PI3K element modulated by the GH axis). This altered
energy balance and extended mouse longevity by 18%.
Obesity and hyperinsulinemia were offset by increased
activity, amelioration of bradykinesis at 22 months, elevated
glucose utilization and reduced free radical stress. [96]
Accelerated aging of Tg may involve diversion of resources
away from longevity assurance systems to growth. [75, 97, 98] This
predicted that Tg would express elevated free radicals that
was strongly confirmed. [20] Complex III activity was reduced
in untreated Tg indicative of energy shortfalls. Energy limitation
was also suggested by dietary preferences for carbohydrate99
and a carbohydrate-biased metabolism. [21] The
levels of ATP in Tg skeletal muscle were 51% that of Nr. [20]
Our results suggest that accelerated aging of Tg is strongly
linked to free radical generation at complex III (Figure 5). A
universal correlate of growth factor signaling via PI3K is
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). mTOR modulates
growth, mitochondrial activity and ATP production and is
associated with reduced longevity. [92] GH/IGF-1 likely regulate
mitochondrial coupling and associated free radical generation
via this pathway [100] Remarkably, the DSP elevated
mitochondrial activity (energy) and reduced free radical processes,
thus ameliorating two key mechanisms linked to
aging and its dysregulation in Tg.
Author contributions:
All participated in design, interpretation
and review of the manuscript. VA and J Long equally
contributed to behavioral and mitochondrial work. SL and
JF conducted the neurotransmitter work. CDR, VA and J Liu
wrote the paper and analysed the data. J Liu contributed to
mitochondrial aspects and CDR contributed to theory, development
of the supplement and behavioral studies.
We thank an anonymous reviewer and Dr M Friedlander for
guidance that greatly improved the paper. This study was
supported by a grant to CDR (Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada).
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